The system will never get better because people like you will vote for a corpse because "meh lesser of two evils" instead of demanding a young fit candidate to be president. Learn to have self respect. You deserve better.

Trump won because the conservatives finally woked up and realized their Republican representatives hardly give a damn what their people actually want. So when Trump came blazing, not afraid to say and promise everything they've wanted a president to do, they told the Republicans either join us or fuck off. It's true, for trump made an enemy of both Republicans and Democrats, an enemy out of everyone but the people who voted for him because to his credit, he did try his best to achieve what his voters wanted. And that terrified every public official in office, the voters getting what they wanted.

The Democrats need to get their version of trump. It should of been Bernie in 2016, he too was a populist who promised to do what his supporters wanted. But the Dems stabbed him in the back, to support Clinton who has been playing the game forever. No one likes Hilary, that's why she lost. People voted for her because she wasn't trump, but no one likes her really.

Same with Biden, no one really gets excited for Biden, but he isn't trump. He won because Trump lost. He didn't win because people wanted him. And so we had a weak limpdick senile old man ruling the nation under the status quo that everyone of us knows is bad for our nation all the while the media hypes him up as the perfect benevolent God because Trump is Satan.

The Democrats need to have their fuck you moment and get a true young progressive as their candidate. The system will never change if you vote for the lesser of two evils. The presidency and the Democrats deserve a better leader. But you have to throw away your fear, take a risk, and the first step to make it happen.

Putin invaded Ukraine when Biden was vice president and now president. Putin didn't invade when Trump was in office. If you feel safe under Biden, that is the cops you've been lying yourself the last four years.

Stop supporting parties that don't care about us citizens and put up these two bozos for election. Vote third party. Both parties had younger candidates like Vivek and Andrew Yang who spoke fluently and were on the ball. But no they pick the demented 80 year old for president and because he isn't trump, we have to pretend this dude is amazing when. war is breaking out across the planet because of his weak leadership.

What we saw tonight was a complete insult to Americans. The fact that the Democrats put Joe out and said here is your next candidate for president was insulting. Same with trump. And I see a lot of people insulted and waking up tonight too. The fact we got to this point is not just a failure of the Republicans and Democrats, it's a failure of the American people for just letting it happen too.

I don't get why if you hate trump, literal anyone else even a corpse will do. This is one of not the most important jobs on the planet. It deserves the best, not two old farts.

The last scene where the grandparents are hobbling down the hall to reach the main woman is still burned in my head.

In all honesty, Lynch's films are terrifying because he gets the best screamers I have seen in western media

If trump was reelected there wouldn't have been a war to clean up from. Same with Ukraine.

Biden weak leadership is responsible for Russia invading Ukraine twice, the emboldening of Hamas terrorist strikes against Israel and the houthis, the complete retreat of Afghanistan, us forces being kicked out of nigeria and so on.

Guarantee if you have a spouse or kids, they would rather keep you alive then have you die trying to save a dog.

I don't get how you can say that when the one thing good trump was doing in the office was making peace in the middle east and finally pulling our troops out. The one bright spot of his presidency

No new wars under Trump. He is a piece of shit but the world was moving towards peace under his presidency.

Wait till ya get to engineering. Going to be a great time in there!

Why do you people Insist on worshipping an old white dude? Which one, Biden or Trump? Exactly. Stop selling your souls to the shitty system.

All media is like that. Look at the infamous Trump Charlottesville speech where he says there is good people on both sides and immediately adds I am not talking about the white supremacists and neo Nazis but the news cut that part out. But when Disney is openly race baiting and being discriminatory for years I ain't gonna give them the benefit of the doubt any longer.

Not saying this video isn't edited but also they are not talking about actors or casting

If dei means we're are not going to hire a mixed race black qualified candidate because he appears too white (which the guy in the video talks about) maybe we ought to reevaluate what we are doing. I don't get how that is any different than Jim crow laws

I really don't think there is any way of whatever that guy talking about mixed race people could be positive. Hello you shouldn't be bringing mixed race people like that at all

The problem is the media will screech that resident evil 5 is racist because a white dude is killing black zombies in Africa and that is stereotypical American white on black violence but will then simp for a big black dude mowing down Asians even though black on aisan violence is a big problem in America too. It is either all racist or none of it is racist. You don't get to pick and choose what.

What even is master Keaton? Never even heard of it until I just got the texhnolyze DVDs and it was one of the previews. Look pretty bleh but maybe I misjudged it

Well just scored the texhnolyze box set off eBay so one person will finally watch it

Roberts anime corner store. Great place to buy it from, even if the website looks like it has been changed since 1999.

First season of steins gate was the first anime I ever bought physical.

It under wb right? Yeah I believe they will.

Texhnolyze. The guy, Abe, who is known for serial experiments lain, helped make it. Seems like it is cult classic as I hardly hear anything about it, but was curious.