Because he wanted us to be free, and have a choice. So he also created the forbidden fruit in the garden of eve. So there would be an opposite of love. So that his children could choose. Its so beautiful ❤️ thank you GOD, i love you.

Well, its not me.

On the other hand i love scrolling, and eating chips and sweet things, that is me. I know when its my lust, desires..

I dont feel like being with anyone. Its an outside source that is doing things to me. It manipulate my sensations. I cant explain it. It suddenly appears and leave. I know for a fact its an entity. After it leave i feel my own energy is so empty. It feed off of my life energy. And when its present it has an erotic presence that fills my body. Its like i have a ball in my stomac. Its very hard to explain..

😂😂 ppl are so funny.. i think many poor people prioritize looking presentable to society though.. 

Also, the damage these food stores and other heavy clothing stores, do to earth, they owe us some anyway. 

Like H&M, they sre racist toward their costumers and they dump tons and tons of clothes in the african coast line, wich poison etc etc etc. 

No i have more empthy for humans then a huge company who make so much money that a product is a sandcorn for them. 

Yes i feel envy of people who feel deserving and who have a high self permission.. 

Yes.. many times, why do you ask that? 

Is it Sin or purpose

I have a dilema where i dont know if im sinfull or rightfull.

So i am a nurse and i never felt passionated abt my work nor life actually. And i always feel like there is more to life, speciallt when i see other peoples life on IG. But i dont know what that would be. I just feel like im wasting this short life on doing nothing and settling for way less while im getting older.

But then im reminded that i am just being ungrateful and not with God enough.

Idk if ur christian or believe in God but pray and really resieve gods promises. Im fighting some sort of spirit energetic molestation day and night.ive never had this before, but now i know there are forces that we cant see. And i could not do it myself, i got so exhausted.. so i went to church. Thank god this weekend they had a conferense, so three days straight of worshiping. Grate timing. The thing went away after first day of church. Now im kind of a beliver after this experience, i feel lighter, softer, safer. I said amen to all the prayers, you become stong, something happends.  No one with high vibrations have nightmares.. its a reflection of something being disconnected from god. Light is soo powerful so you have influence on getting rid of it. 

Omg yess!!and there is no chemistry! Poor girl, this is so usual in the healing comunity. Where guys gaslight women, saying that their fear of men is what is hindering their attraction toward them and they need healing. So then they offer them to heal it in the relationship. The women feel safe for once only because they have a ”therapist” 24/7. But the comfort of that is confusing, also they get easily manipulated because they lean on the ”therapist” for their understanding.  Teacher/student power dynamic. 

What do you work with?

Is anyone a nurse?


Your family are horrible. I will never understand how some dont feel sick abusing vulnerable people.  Hope you find a way to enjoy life to replace them..

Thank you. Thats grate, would love to gave a dog:) 

I relate! Good for you overcoming the fear of being the adorer.   I would really recommend finding men at places where u do things based of off genuine interest. Like a book club, or a course w/e.  Thanks, hugs! 

Thank you. Yes being honest is the first step. Yes but its out of my budget.

Forever single

Im soon to be 34 (f) and i feel ashamed to say it. I have never been in a relationship. Im kind of concerned and too scared to put myself out there because of my lack of experience. Sometimes i think im a narcissist because when someone grate have showed interest i suddenly think they are dorks and ive been so annoyed and disgusted by them at times, wich scares me.

There has always been too much anxity and depression as i come from dysfunctional family. Who would want to be with me, with all my issues.

I actually been told many times i should be a model, and had many guys interested. But i know deep down im broken and a mess.


Oh i think i assumed you ment that i cant do anything about my situation, then to stay suffering , and i really needed some hope lol. sry for snapping at you..thank you:) 

No thanks! Your negative and spreading negativity

Cant do what? Im already isolating, they are on a diffrent continent. Im working on trying to cut energetic cords though its hard, and i feel weak i see potential in getting stronger.

I understand the relief to get validation. I recorded some crazy things being said to me, and if i didnt i would gaslight myself, because my mother does it. Even when i showed my mother the recordings, she still denied it. Snd that too showed me, that its not me. Others react like im stupid letting these things being said to me. Its so confusing right. 

❤️❤️❤️🌱 ur so valuable, hope you know that had nlthing to do with you. We just unlucky to have broken shit parents.  Hope u can cry one day. Uts gonna be like the rain in after dry season in the desert. Then life will grow

Good reminder.. i just do anything to distract and empty myself. But i think i can sense myself under the other persons active energy, as its  more on the chackras.