Good point, I think if people want this that badly there should be entirely new effects implemented for that purpose

I never liked the idea of the poison-regeneration working in reverse for undead mobs, specifically because I've always thought of the instant potions being more like shifting things in one direction rather than being some kind of regeneration magic; think of it like a number line, if you're at 0 you're dead but if you're negative then shifting you further negative actually moves you further away from the death point (0) despite being already dead.

The more you're healed positively while negative, the closer you get to death.

Meanwhile with poison and regeneration, they aren't really instant health (positive) or damage (negative), rather, poison is a substance that shuts down your body and harms you. It isn't directly related to death, but it harms the physical form you're in.

With regeneration, it's regenerating the parts you've already lost or damaged; that'd still apply to undead mobs as their bodies still have physical matter and need to be intact to function. Poison is completely different than instant damage. I'd actually opt for withering, if anything, to be regenerative for undead mobs, as that damage is quite literally death related instead of a liquid that just happens to be harmful to drink.

I'm either going with Zooble and Kinger (I love Kinger) or sitting with Jax and Gangle to call him out on his bullshit. Hopefully that'd be enough to distract him

:psoul: Even when trapped, you still express yourself.

Swap Asgore, Martlet, Toriel, and Ceroba all in that order (none of them are bad, though, I'd take one from any of them)

He's actually deleting some replies to it condemning Trump

Did someone you live with also drink it or is there another reason you used "we"? /cur

Magneto power does 95 damage a shot with spammable projectiles, splash damage, and 5 charges.

It's absolutely overpowered.

:Axis: Axis my beloved

I guess you could say you're "bone" tired of the references, eh? Hah! Heh heh.

:psoul: Even when trapped, you still express yourself.

Mettaton is male, he transitioned to a different gender when he got his body

For people who don't know, in Sailor Moon there's a lesbian couple, but when it was translated to English people changed the translation to call them "cousins" so as to "not confuse the children" (yikes)

:psoul: Even when trapped, you still express yourself.

Yes, it changes "Just RUN. INTO. THE. BULLETS!" to "Just RUN. INTO. THE. friendliness pellets" (yes no period or exclamation point)

It happens if you dodge his pellets enough

Susie has long hair, but what's so masculine about Ralsei? If I saw Ralsei and didn't know who he was then I'd probably just use they/them because I couldn't tell what his gender is

:psoul: Even when trapped, you still express yourself.

Like Undertale Yellow?

:psoul: Even when trapped, you still express yourself.

The text would just replace itself with something else

I thought Omocat said something about it as a joke or something

:psoul: Even when trapped, you still express yourself.

when you see a stop sign you stop, right?

I still don't understand why they haven't nerfed the punch damage