Outbreak/Carriers/Contagion. We got so close to experiencing that with covid, if the virus was a little bit deadlier society would have collapses.


Stop Heroes at Season 1

Stop Game of Thrones at Season 4, Read the Books, then pray we get some conclusion someday

Stop Dexter at Season 3

Stop Battlestar Galactica at Season 3

Stop Simpsons at Season 10

Stop Office at Season 7

Stop Scrubs at Season 8

Stop Always Sunny in Philadelphia at Season 11

Stop The Boys at Season 1 then read the comics

new zealand, a nation formed on the bodies of a weaker conquered people? Ever thought giving the land back and going back to Europe?

Need to calm down and seethe less that others are happy despite your obsession

The stream hasn't been modified or updated in 8 years. Same shows, same episodes on same days, and same movies. It needs an update but who knows when that is. For now enjoy it even exists.


Game of Thrones



Battlestar Galactica


House of Cards



In fact, a superior first season is common in American TV shows. It's stuff like anime where it gets better as you go.

I hate things with "legends" label on it. I hope one day we can buy Disney canon books with "Not canon anymore" on it.

best way to deal with that is to just ignore it rather than banning the character

Highways in China are modern, meticulously clean, and totally empty.

I want everything since 7th edition being a dream Guilliman is having while in his coma on Macragge


Warhammer Fantasy used to be a gritty, dirty, miserable setting. Pox-marked peasants living in plague-ridden towns with mud roads sleeping amongst rats and livestock, fighting off goblins and flea-ridden beastmen. Empire soldiers often had this drunk/disheveled and misshapen look to them despite the colorful uniforms, covered in boils/warts and missing teeth. The grimdark of 40k was not unique, it was born from WHFB.

Age of Sigmar just feels like world of warcraft high fantasy crap. Everything is too clean.

I want to know how the brother stayed so jacked spending his whole life in a mental hospital

Shield Devastators



Bile spewers

Fallout 3/New Vegas

Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom

Helldivers 2

I did it blind, not knowing how to use flash. Just bumped into walls until If ound my way out.

Daryl had to be deflated a bit, the writers were so desperate to present him as some sort of hidden genius who was unappreciated. When in truth he was always much more entertaining as the grumpy warehouse operator

People overanalyze it really. It's because Michael was desperate to be cool and hip and saw the young Ryan as the kind of popular normal kid that he would have wanted to hang around with in his own youth.

Those ridiculous Becky vs. her family episodes. Degrassi needed a christian strawman villain every season be it Spinner's friends, Claire and her family, etc..

They all died for nothing, for putin's vanity of reestablishing the USSR which clearly has no hope of ever succeeding due to russian military incompetence. 136x the 20 year war on terror in 2.5 years.