I want to see photos of the setup as well. Im sure the contractor who caught her or a store employee or someone has got to have some.

Erase all of our memories so we can watch the first one for the first time again. You all know that deep down thats what we really want.

I had thought itd be kinda cool if the clown mask from the first scene in the original was a prototype silver shamrock mask. They didnt expect someone like michael to put it on, it went haywire and turned his disturbing behavior from 1 all the way up to 11.

Alright here goes. I absolutely hate Laurie being “badass” in the last 3 movies. I don’t like when movies in general have a female lead say “f*ck” a bunch and thats supposed to make them seem cool and dangerous. You’re not a sharpshooter, you’re an old woman who eats that yogurt that makes you poop. I get she thinks about nothing other than trapping and killing michael but they shouldve done it different in my opinion. It took me right out of the whole thing.

Lol well i see what you’re saying, its certainly still scary but for someone with an extremely well adjusted family like me, having an unknown sibling out there somewhere isnt something thag could ever happen to me. Him simply being the boogeyman however…

Because there’s nothing scarier than a random act of violence. You can’t predict it, it could happen to any one of us. At the end of the first movie the body is gone and we hear his breathing and we get a sense of “he could be anywhere, maybe my neighborhood next.”

No im definitely right here. No matter what “here” is.

Your dog probably ran head first into the door at the sight of his !ONLINE DELIVERY! and broke it lol.

Everyone saying superbad but two of them wearing the same shirt actually made me think of drillbit taylor

One in Oneonta. I remember a particular waitress named ‘Happy’ who reminded me of a character from Get Out, always smiling in a way that looked forced. The guys all wear flannel and have similar haircuts/ beards. Theres a mural of a big yellow hippie bus inside the resteraunt. Reckless Ben on youtube has some good videos. He actually joined and lived with them a few days lol

Their website has tons of product for sale. You can tell she’s a snake oil salesman preying on the weak

It’s going to be worth 20k by spring 2024. This is the next btc. Vile imp and black forest ham are the biggest buys on my radar rn

It’s probably that guy on the discord whose got a ton of them. Either he’s buying and everyones taking advantage or he now owns so many that he controls the vile imp market like some kind of trading card black rock. Or something..

God im jealous. My fav art is the aqua core and amethyst core. 3 boxes deep and not a single core or stone. It is what it is though, not all about me. One more box to go tho luckily lol