Vroeger had ik niet genoeg zakgeld voor een album of single dus dat begon met opnemen op cassette bandje. Daarna heb ik wat later vaak losse nummers verkregen. Later wel albums gekocht/gedownload maar de invloed op mij was al geschied.

Excuses voor het verbreken van je regels. Als excuus wat willekeurige huidige luisterende albums:

LFO - Advance

Technimatic - Better Perspective

Bonobo - Black Sands

Perturbator - The Uncanny Valley

Overseer - Wreckage

Geen albums maar 5 beïnvloede nummers die mij een genre hebben ingestuurd die ik mijn zo even voor kan halen. Er zijn er meerdere uiteraard.

Aphex Twin - Windowlicker

Bomfunk MC's - Freestylers

The Green Man - Easy

Perturbator - Miami Disco

Cassius - Sound of Violence

Let me tell you, mine does look a lot more faded on top and brown at the bottom.

Brown sugar for your tea so you hydrate enough to prevent stones. It's just a helpful hint from your body to help you drink more.

Very nice package! Dig the classic cream/bold black twotone

Plant sprayer and wind will work wonders for cooling!

Their obsession with hanging their own flags everywhere! "Don't forget you are in the USA!" I've seen pictures where some small building has so much flags that the building itself is not visible anymore. Sure other countries also fly their own flag but that's one or two on a public building in the center and that's it, not freaking everywhere, inside and outside.

Both, neither of you eat the tasty core also. De corn is just the dressing on top of the good bit.

Yesterday 2: a modern Fiat 500 and a 90's Suzuki Alto. Probably not factory colours though.

"confidently wrong", it's just like the LLM AI's of today.

Downunder they like them snails, don't ya?

I agree

It seems that you like your RX7.

I agree.

Even worse, as far as I know, the Mazdaspeed version was only available in the US. Mazdaspeed is a US division. In Australia their Mazda sporty division also made a turbo version, just a little bit different from the US MS version, using the 1.8 VVT engine. Meanwhile in Europe the Sporty division decided to not create a turbo version and we need to make our own Snail Edition vehicles.

Yes, I have and no, I probably don't fit in it with my 1,93m body

Those stupid American trucks are invading my country too! There are already enough stupid drivers, don't give them better tools to wreck everybody please. The SUV plague is already bad enough, which also was a US thing.

OEM+ is the best OEM.

However the angry eyes is a no for me. However, you like it so please keep it!

They say a worse shifter feel but I replaced my 5 for a 6 speed and it's the same feel for me. Could've been that my 5 was just bad or a good 6. Also for what goes around is that a later 6 speed is stronger than the earlier one. Could be that the manufacturer decided to use different sourced materials halfway through the production cycle which happens without notice on a regular basis in the world of manufacturing. Could be as a side benefit that the later ones are built a bit different.

When drilled spray them with anything rust resistance. Preferably a thick layer zinc spray should be a good contender. More commenters may have other options too.

Lucky you, you got to test both. What makes the 30 the better car in your opinion?