There is a difference between a perverted world heavily sexualised by corporations thats part of the storytelling, and turn your game into a creepy sex/girlfriend simulator

You should see the game’s subreddit. It is so full of horny creeps

Yeah but it’s yet again an appeal to put your children in front of screens.

Disclaimer: I’m not trying to be patronising, my daughter also watches cartoons from time to time, it’s hard to apply a 100% ban, but screens really mess up with their heads. You can instantly feel it

:France: :Britanny: Breton (alcoholic)

That was a pretty good game to watch. Meanwhile the Joaos and us are like


:France: :Britanny: Breton (alcoholic)

The green girl’s stitches are about to pop, careful not to smash the ball in her face

I had a daughter since my last visit, so I guess we’ll have to come back some time haha duly noted!

But before NYC, I think we’ll first do a road trip in the West. The classic one Europeans like me do haha

And yet there are incels that say women are all weak-ass bitches…

It was my favourite one in RDR1 because I just loved Armadillo and the pure western vibe. In RDR2 it’s sadly pretty empty

:France: :Britanny: Breton (alcoholic)

So they decided to use THIS pizza to support their claim…

:France: :Britanny: Breton (alcoholic)

Depends where you are from in France I guess. I rather see myself as Celtic-Germanic (based on my ancestry), if that makes sense, than Latin.

I would understand though that someone coming from the South, or especially southeast, would feel more Latin.

:France: :Britanny: Breton (alcoholic)

Is it really the case? I haven’t seen any leftist comparing themselves to Stalin or Mao. Those are considered as mass-killing maniacs by everyone

I bet they still have a 25-year 1000$/month mortgage for this tent at this location

I agree. I’ve visited NYC in 2017. I loved those neighbourhoods. It’s certainly where you get the most genuine New York experience, from a tourist perspective at least.

Funny cuz that’s the total opposite for me haha It’s definitely in my Pantheon of my all-time favourite films though, but it’s just so powerful and all, I just can’t haha I have watched it maybe 4 of 5 times, but the last time was 10-15 years ago.

Funny story: I ran into Ralph Fiennes in Westminster Abbey in London in 2012. I immediately recognised him and he saw me kind of starstruck and he winked haha I told my parents « that’s the guy who plays Voldemort » (to give them a reference they would understand haha). I ran into him again in another room and I HAD to tell him I loved his work, and I really was thinking of his part in Schindler’s List. I told him, he smiled and thanked me, and I carried on visiting. Such a pure and lovely encounter, but I had mixed feelings: happy, starstruck and also kind of terrified to meet Amon Goeth haha

:France: :Britanny: Breton (alcoholic)

I’m infinitely more worried about the fascists from the other side, to be honest, even though I’m a white male with absolutely no foreign origins. I have a 2yo daughter, I want her to keep her rights growing up

:France: :Britanny: Breton (alcoholic)

C’était pas un journaliste mais un mec de Reconquête. Il doit penser qu’ils sont des chevaliers de l’époque des gentes dames mdr

:France: :Britanny: Breton (alcoholic)

You better not say « titbit » when you visit France though…

:France: :Britanny: Breton (alcoholic)

And they still do World Series of their own unique football

Yeah I visited New York a few years ago, and I remember there were tall buildings everywhere anyway, but I didn’t realise the skyscrapers were in two clusters like this. It feels so strange

Wait there actually is such a huge gap (in terms of building heights) between the WTC area and the Empire State Building, Time Square and stuff?