I have too many hobbies lol, on top of work and school, I barely have time to socialize, play guitar, skateboard, work out, play airsoft, video game or ride my motorcycle. Honestly don’t want to start cutting the things I enjoy, but there’s just not enough hours in the day, and it all costs money in one way or another.

I’ve had over a dozen rounds in two years lol, along with X-rays, CT and a scope. No luck on a diagnosis yet

I’m the same height, 60 pounds lighter, and my best is only a 32 lol. You’re doing great

Yikes. They actually told us to hold our breath, but I was dumb and didn’t time it right , got a mouthful anyway lol

On your budget, maybe an early-mid 90s Camaro or Mustang GT? I had both when I was in a similar financial position in high school, and they were fun, but drank gas and insurance was high lol. Pros and cons, but honestly the Civic is a much better car for your situation. Maybe mod it a bit?

I made it work on $40k/year, but low cost of living rural Midwest and my little 2bd/1bth was only $67k in 2021.

God I miss bike patrol just for the polo shirts and shorts lol

Our dispatchers here start at $47k and the cops at $52k. Not that much of a difference, and they both top out around $80k after 10 years.

Toyota Prius. Or if you don’t like hybrids, a Camry.

My department is switching from .40 Sigs to 9mm Glocks next year, and says we’ll have the option of buying our current guns. You also get gifted your duty weapon if you retire with 30 years of service.

Definitely moody goth they them

Dr Bronners soap I think it’s called? I’ve heard it’s good. Hold your breath during the spray, and remember to strobe your eyes during the course. Keep moving until they say you’re done, it’s mostly a heart check. Trash your clothes if you can, or garbage bag them after you decon and take them to a laundromat.

Had to have been after 1am, I was working security where it happened until then

Not technically police, but when I was a park ranger here in the US, one of my supervisors was a white guy from Namibia. Obviously citizenship is a good step if you can, but if not, you might still be eligible for other law enforcement adjacent positions

Not even bothering to apply until I know I can pass lol

This is really interesting, armed guards here are required to carry a less lethal option, either a Taser, or OC spray. It would be ridiculous to only have a deadly force option and no intermediate weapons.

Is this like diluted or something? We got basically a whole can to the face my first time…

Saw a used Floor listed for $800 locally once, but average is more like $950-$1100

I mean, if it makes you feel any better, I’m the same height and weight, barely bench 135, and my 2 mile is over 21 minutes lol