Living single in Colorado Springs with a mortgage. It's kind of HCOL but not as bad as the Denver metro. I work remotely and am loving it.

2) She is describing the people who hate Trump as the ones who constantly have him on their mind 24/7 and how unhealthy that is for someone. But doesn't mention how unhealthy that must be for the Trump fans that are obsessed with him.

Prison Break. The first season was one of the most enjoyable binges I've had, by the third season I was done. It felt like it turned into the show where everything that could go wrong does.

I live alone, work from home, and own a townhouse. I'm one of the lucky ones who was able to buy back in 2019. My mortgage + HOA fee is about $1350. I'm incredibly lucky and thankful to be in this position. I know most are not in this position, so I'm not trying to brag at all. Had I made a few choices differently 10 years ago, I likely would still be renting.

Best and most affordable landscape supply company in town? Question

I am looking to get some decorative river rock around 1 1/2 for the garden area in front of my house. The area is about 10x10, so I don't need a large amount and am just seeing if anyone has suggestions on the best places to look. What are the most affordable landscape supply company's in town?

I did the same thing and funny enough it was while I was standing in a Walmart.

I've done that before, and it works. Had it at that rate for 4 years now.

Fair enough. I've had a few minor issues with CSU billing, and their site can be annoying, but I've never dealt with an organization more disorganized or difficult than AT&T.

If that's a big enough issue for you to insinuate gross incompetence in the organization as a whole, then I know you've never had to deal with AT&Ts customer service.

Prison Break. I binged the first season in one sitting, barely cared to finish the second season, and only saw the first episode of the third.