Not familiar with this one but the name Narrow Way would be a red flag for some goofy religious extremism content to me.

Absolutely not! She just needs the right matchmaker, her energies balanced, and for her spirit baby to keep leading!!!

BF stories:

“People are asking about my dress. Here’s the link.” ($275)

Next slide: “Here I am going out to milk with all my kids in the dark IN MY $275 DRESS.”

Literally no farmer does that. None.

Real farmers could never sustain their business (or even just feeding their own family) if they took loss after loss. This is animal abuse.

Exactly what I was going to say. Rules are only rules in you’re poor.

“I just listened to myself talking about myself and wow, am I SMART!” 🤢

Good friends through a computer screen = not always actually friends. I mean, it can. But all these “influencers” spend their days trying to be top dog so what’s a little back 🔪?

I mean… it’s all for the aesthetic, right?

The aversion to clean clothing and a hairbrush is almost criminal. I can’t believe they are bathed with any regularity.

TRF saying in her stories she had a chemical pregnancy?

Anyone else who survived an unhealthy childhood being raised by a narcissistic mother read this and feel triggered?

I have pondered this as well. I have a dear friend who has been a professional nanny 30+ years and two things: those kids would be MUCH better cared for and also, she would never take on that whole brood, it would be multiple nannies and you’d have to work like heck to keep them out of all the “real life” photos BF shares.

I think what they DO have are Mormon employees who get pulled in to do childcare (uncompensated) and feel like they’re earning whatever heaven points they can accrue by virtue of helping these amazing examples of faith.

She mentioned it in stories defending her sleep training.

Especially since I’m pretty darn sure she would not say yes to a swimming pool or any other frivolous kid thing that they might ask for. 

Someone correct me if I’m wrong but that’s what I’ve seen so far. She says it’s just a few nights and the girls don’t mind.

I feel sorry for her. She comes across as a thoughtful person saddled by some very defective thinking.

That seems to be what she’s done with all of them. The last baby was a boy and he transitioned with the oldest girl if I’m not mistaken. 😕

VFD’s stories with the raw milk in a plastic bucket that nasty dirty rim. 🤢 I think I feel another round of illness coming on at their place.

I’m still asking myself the same thing. It was the hair fluff mid-pose for me.

I don’t follow her. The crazy that is BF has been plenty. 😂

I can see preserving the flowers (acrylic platters and such a huge now) but this is bizarre.