"In a Catholic Theocracy, Depression would not exist"...this dude never lived in Ireland during or before the 80s.

The one with Colin McRae rally pedigree of course..


Depends.. it goes back into people all having their own take on what definces a Boomer Shooter. Some folks focus on aesthetic, but for me it's more how a game feels. e.g. I was playing Shadow Warrior 2 again the other day, and despite having modern graphics, this to me feels like a Boomer Shooter, but by contrast, playing Phantom Fury and... it's pacing feels off, it doesn't have that manic energy.

I don't hate sprites, but I don't think using sprites is neccesarily a good thing, and am fine with polygons, voxels or even cutting edge graphics if the game plays a certain way. Prodeus decision to make 3D models then turns them into sprites just seems like perverse extra steps for example.

However, if there's a game that makes the case for Sprites, it would be Forgive Me Father - what sprites let you do, especially with modern hardware and screen resolutions is allow you to use really incredibly detailed hand drawn pictures as characters. If you just use the same sort of pixellated sprites Doom on SVGA in 1993, the you're not really doing much with the possibilities.

Yeah, it's not like you'd turn them on and randomly hear Nurse with Wound as opposed to This Charming Man by The Smiths followed by three landfill indie tracks.

The idea is good, the implementation by the various penny pinching manufacturers is the issue.

Biggest offender is Coca Cola 2 litre bottles, it's so tight it's pretty hard to screw the cap on properly straight again, which is leaky problem if you need to store it sideways if you've no room on the door.

Not a major deal because I just rip it off and then screw it on, but it kinda defeats the point.

Like those walking buses for school kids, but with a load of drunk adults instead.

Needs to be a British kid in Staffordshire, surrounded by other Reliant made cars for this meme to work properly.

Thank you for reminding me this existed.

Mostly just the whole thing of everyone being corporate meat for the grinder and the catharthic thing of lets just go nihilistically burn them to the ground even if it does me no actual good.

Love the 90s Griffith, though if you want a TVR that really doesn't get enough love, the Griffith 400 from the 60s.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVR_Griffith_400

Tiny english sports car with a Ford 289, Like a Cobra, only better, with more a more sophisticated chassis and came as a coupe from the get go, where the Cobra had to wait for the Daytona. Rare car, so most people have never even heard of it.

I also think the Chimera doesn't get enough love over its flashier late model TVR counterparts like the Sagaris/Tamora/Cerbera but it's probably the best all round car TVR made in period, just relatively low key. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVR_Chimaera

Also the revised TVR S with the V8 that Peter Wheeler reintroduced when he took over TVR, a real underated car, but arguably the most important car TVR made in the 90s, none of the others would have happened without the V8s, it's lovely mix of 60s and 90s TVRs and a lot easier to own than something like a Sagaris too.

I think Pete Wheelers best decision was bringing back the S and his worst, commisioning a race car engine designer (Al Melling) to design your own in house road car engines... that was probably the slow beginning of the end.

Probably, not sure why I'm getting voted down for expressing mildly tongue in cheek concern for the mans vocal cords, but sure I've given up trying to figute out why r/ireland is no craic sometimes. Maybe I've just spent too much time around musicians who know that if yer gonna scream, there's a knack to not doing yourself a mischief.

When the average games site news feed isn't filled with stories like man beats even ring on level 1 using a spoon as a controller while having his nipples tazed randomly because reasons, then maybe you will all fit on a short bus, but there's at least dozens of you.... DOZENS I say!! DOZENS!!!!!

Hey, that lad is gonna have a throat tougher than a badgers arse the next day, kind of important if you're on d'wireless.

I swear I could almost hear the vocal cord nodules forming in real time

Because it kind of managed to lose the core base of Toca Fans in the same way Dirt lost the Colin McRae fans until Dirt Rally. Unlike Dirt however, it didn't gain a new different fanbase as it offered little over Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport.

Your team sports harder than the other team, and I'm happy for you, but chill out dude or it'll take more than a few strepsils to sort you out the next day.

*neglects to mention not even close to the R35 GTR that statement implies and still slower than a contemporary FWD Renault Megane with some scaffolding in the back.

The Getaway, such a great game and a shame it's long forgotten.

Even GT7 doesn't have an AZ1 now and it took a while to add the Cappuccino.

Peugeot 205 GTI - games have featured the T16 frequently, Forza even has the rare as hens teeth Rallye, but the go faster version that many Europeans either actually owned or knew someone that did and aspired to? Nah, never gonna show up.

Even the 106 GTI popped up in older versions of Gran Turismo.

I do also think it's been a while since any racing game featured the full ABC trio of Kei Sports cars in one go, never mind interesting but lesser known Kei cars like the Alto Works. Even Gran Turismo has massively scaled back on those sorts of cars which is a real shame.