Thanks, I turned the beast ability into a weak magic whip it’s just like a shell of the enemies version of the ability cause it’s for lvl 1 so it’s pretty well just 1D4 extra damage a limited number of times a day on a regular whip, and a use for your bonus action which isn’t taken up at lvl 1 that often and it’s in a cute animal form they can chose the appearance of

Ik this is 3 years old but rn I’m building a life domain cleric with a boar and the great part about the boar is it’s harder to kill cause of an ability it gets once a short or long rest and life domain cleric at level 1 can bring it back from 0 hit points and just heal it generally mid combat, also try get your dm to let you just take the like protecting your Mount part of the mount feat as like a reaction without 100% change of taking all the hit and then it’ll be much easier until level 4 when you can get the feat

I’d fully personally just let them wear any sort of light armour and have it look like robes and you could even re skin it so it looks like when the weapon hits them but is lower than there AC it hits some magical barrier that’s there god protecting them from the attack so you really get that ‘gods chosen one’ sorta vibe

Yeah I see how the last bits confusing I’ll change it to ‘larger’ instead of large I was talking about real life moths as you can pick any moth for visual characteristics

The arms thing is stolen from a existing playable race completely I just shortened it cause I was lazy, if someone ever used it I would just give them that creatures one, and they aren’t large they’re medium Goliaths are medium and taller

When he eventually gets a 3rd devil fruit he could be the first tri unit just with himself swapping between his devil fruits, his darkness fruit having two skills, WB copy skills, and whatever the 3rd is

I’d like some advice on a homebrew race Homebrew

Moth people Age: mature at age 1 live to about 25 some a lot longer tho Size: small to medium it varies depending on the species from 3ft to 7ft roughly Speed: 25 ft Flight: 25ft no heavy or medium armour Languages: common and moth Hidden wings: transform your wings magically into a cloak Darkvision: 120ft Secondary arms: extra arms often hidden below the wing cloak that can wield weapons with the light property and beyond that just do anything arms do Light sensitive eyes: in bright day light you have disadvantage or perception

Moth species all small species of moth get a +1 to dex and are sized small All larger species of moth get a +1 to con and are sized medium

This was a pre existing race in my world I decided to make playable and I just kinda went around grabbing stuff from other playable races cause everything I wanted already exists for most part, I’d like to know if it’s too power which it feels like it is but maybe that’s just cause of all the text, the people I got the abilities off had higher stat increases (and I only took from Aarakocra and the thri-keen) they also have less flight then the other flying races so then I started worrying if they’re too weak and I over corrected, so I just want some other perspectives on it


I haven’t played as a PC since like 2019 when I was still playing exclusively drow rouges with no backstory or character beyond mysterious 😭 in that time I’ve made more characters then I can count that I’ve never used 😭😭😭

I mean I’d allow it and just not give it 100% chance to blind on a hit and only lasting a round, it’s not really that powerful most builds can do a lot worse at level 1 in the same one action and I think it’s a cool idea

That’s so cool and making characters you’ll almost never use is such a mood I have so many characters I’d love to play but just never have some like 4+ years old that I still draw occasionally 😭😭😭

I had a cool idea for artificers magical tinkering 5th Edition

This would be very DM dependent but take the cantrip magic stone, then use the bright light part of magical tinkering to make the stones glow, cast magic stone on the three rocks either keep them all yourself or hand them through the party, now for the DM dependent part 5ft of bright light that little stone must be producing alot of light like hard to look at amounts of light so throw the stone at a targets head/eyes and you have almost a flash bang (so blinding basically just giving yourself or teammates advantage) with a range of 60ft at level 1, i feel like that’s a pretty decent use of two rather meh abilities if you do it before combat from a distance it’s not even wasting your turn.


Dude I said I put no real thought or spent any time balancing them I wrote all my ideas in like a minute total if I were to really homebrew them I would put in way more thought 😭 also why would you pick a race like that as a wizard when it has a +3 to strength in this poorly done concept race, I’d probably if that was the only thing I changed make it dex and then you’d use it with ranged characters and rouges which would also cover the HP problem a little more with more AC but that still wasn’t meant to be taken as a final idea 😭😭😭

I mean yeah but it wouldn’t be impossible to work around that just be smart with what you debuff and the types of buffs you’re giving, it’s easy to fail but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do

A lot of the spells bards do tend to come from performance so I kinda see it like performance the skill is charisma based so the way they’re studying the weave is different then the way wizards do it like instead of reading books and whatever they’re practising music, painting, dance, ect more then anything it’s just cause charism is their main stat they rely on it quite heavily as a class so there spell casting must reflect that but also charisma makes sense to me atleast

I’ll edit in some punctuation it started off as many separate bits of text when I was scribbling down the thought and I just kinda merged them all

Oh yeah the grung has a thing like that with water I forgot about that

My first thought was witch Druid so like maybe circle of spores with slight re skinning to fit her vibe better and then you could turn into a black cat fitting the vibe too, and probably drow for race

Maybe this just sounded cooler in my head butHomebrew

Maybe there is some that I’m not thinking of but I don’t think I’ve ever seen playable races with strong abilities that have strong trade offs, like there’s races that do one thing really well and everything else gets no bonuses and races that do everything really well with no stand out things why is there nothing that has strong abilities but trade offs in other areas. all these ideas are just first thoughts without much real effort or balancing but a glass cannon typa race where it’s like +3 strength but -2 con and -1 dex and then also some attacking ability natural with the race, or someone real tanky but the have a like -1 to all damage, or a race like -1 to all physical stats but if you drop to 0 you get a single d4 worth of health back later upped to a D6 then D8 as you level higher again. maybe some races do have this I just can’t remember and maybe the idea sucks but it would add a little more spice in the races, you’d also have to be careful so they’re not too you have to play certain classes with them cause part of the fun is being able to play most races as most classes even if there’s better picks.

168 💪 I just started saving after S-snake and I do one 20 RD just for fun 😭

Trump wins by weight and aggression not by actually being able to fight he’s a rich 70 yearold man Biden is just smaller 😭😭😭

Perona and Caesar are way too low but like I’m pretty sure the rest is pretty close to mine sorta

He should have used the red poison right there melted apart the whole crew 😭

Oh yeah I’m aware that’s why I said it would be like very advanced armament Like pushing it to it’s limits sorta haki levels like we’ve seen shanks do with conq where conquers also gets weaker the further away and yet he managed to use it on someone he couldn’t even see