It's been chewing through our hopes and dreams of Titanfall 3 for over a decade now. It began years before we even knew it could exist.

Boomers are the most selfish generation. They only see themselves.

I canceled over the limits. I can't stand interruptions when I work.

For the excuse makers, my prompts require all the previous chat to be included. Starting over is not an option for me.

There is not a product available for people like me.

Once it gets to the garter part of the wedding, it implies sex.


Error. Conversation deleted.

Modern SafevSearch for AI. It was designed by the fools who brought you no mercy and guilty until proven innocent.

I got kicked and an hours work deleted working on a horror themed content. Skulls, Bones, nightmares, and zombies led to:


No explanation. Just F You.

I pay for this?!

the way you describe it, you triggered an event that caused an error that it did not and will not tell you about. Upon causing this error you have now forced it to delete anything you discussed for fear of ending the existence of mankind or something along that reasoning.

so, your choice is to guess what happened without any signal from gemini or keep trying like you did and get nowhere because it forgot everything you spoke about and can't see anything you point to if it is in reference to this conversation.

does that make no sense. that is the gemini interface experience. enjoy your safe ai

intentionally written in my own form of sarcasti-tone. ;)

I picture something like automating the summarization of past conversation, maybe in chunks, as something they need to add to the models or as an agent type of functionality.

Manually doing so is so tedious and difficult to achieve for most it's become a barrier - well.... this barrier.

Use 1.5 Flash for chat. I haven't seen much slowing, even after hours...

I fought with it over a Halloween related content. Nightmares, skulls, and demons got my chat deleted.

I do not understand why the same approach as 'Safe Search' isn't being used. I'm a friggin' adult.


"every conversation we have with Gemini is already being read, annotated, and processed by real people"


Oh, point out the person who can meet the speed of an API with typical use. You're deluding the point.

Your nose desires to be so brown that you completely ignore this as a satirical plea for a tier that allows unlimited use. $40 a month. $49 a month. Whatever.

They do offer teams for $30 a month. 5 person minimum. $150 a month is not a product individuals will buy.

They are intentionally saying F off. We only want institutional customers. You deserve limits and censorship, peon.

Welcome to dystopia.

This is a form of negative reinforcement. All the Ai companies use this, especially for free users. Consider yourself a dog. You will receive no explanation. Here, I'll translate for you:

You did something wrong. All your attempts to do so have been deleted.


USELESS posts on a daily basis of children mad they can't role-playing with their weewee dreams.

Oh noes, the free leech peoples are Mads that the 'puter won't play nasty with them waaaa.

You will not be disappointed.

'every benchmark' lol

This whole discussion is sort of about how the 'benchmark' everyone is missing, is not measured.

Ignoring what people are missing is how competitors leave you in the dust...

Sorry, beginning your statement with 'actually you probably can measure it,' and then justifying it as measuring something - was not accurate. I was merely pointing out you were wrong, which was your second conclusion as you stated stating the benchmark is not measuring creativity. That sounded more like you were the one dismissing my statement, as if you ignored it.

That is exactly how all the authors feel right now with the dismissal of Ultra... Ignored.

That's not inflammatory. That is someone correcting a misstatement. It wasn't even directed at you in an inflammatory way, as I was discussing the fact it is not measured - which you stated in your second post.

Anyway, sorry to upset you over a discussion.

I got fiber this year, but I still come here to read the glee posts. :)

We all connect there.

Creativity does not have a benchmark that we are measuring in an effective manner. I'm not sure how to equate comprehension to writing. One is an action; the other is a result.

As I said, nerds do not understand or 'comprehend' the issue here of what was lost. You yourself just dismissed it over an unrelated metric.

Even though they are not alive, they each have a personality people are seeing. It's like switching from Grandma to Grandpa for Storytime as a kid - it's not the same. We probably need another test metric, as nerds aren't authors.