You’re company doesn’t care about you so why should you turn down better offers or opportunities? Everyone should also be on the lookout for a better deal at all time. People owe that to themselves in a free market. Plus, if you leave on your terms, the door is usually open for you to come back.

Put the avocado toast down. Plain toast for you.

Nice to see that Canadians also punch down sometimes. 🥊

Typically work has a 1 year warranty. I’m sure it’s the case here as well. At this point it’s old and needs to be repaired.

I was watching TV just letting 9/11 happen. Do I need to turn myself in????

You know what gun gun guh gun gun guns? GUUUUNNNNSSSSSS!!!!

Worse, they justify their tyranny with their Christianity. Zealots and bigots.

Your points are fine and good, they’re just not inline with my experiences and opinions. We disagree. Totally fine. My problem is with Christianity as an organization, not Christians per se. And Christianity as a political force is actively tearing our country apart. Literally. Christians sit idly by giving all the power and money needed to these lunatics to wage war against all who are not straight, white and Christian. Now, if this isn’t the case, I don’t see any Christians disagreeing or making any kind of effort to put their political representatives in line. I DO SEE average, everyday people bending to the political agenda of their church. You can’t tell me that pastors don’t get up there on Sunday and tell their congregations who to vote for. Advocating for a theocracy. I hear no voices of dissent. And horrible things are happening to average Americans because of all of this nonsense. The combination of religion and government is a powerful and terrible one.

No. I meant every word. Plus, you assume I’m some kid. I’ve lived long enough and seen enough to boil my position down to a simple statement. I appreciate the thought and effort put into your words but It’s way too soft. Christianity is rotting this country from the inside out. I know there’s good Christians but I hear none of them speaking up. Absolutely horrible.

Religion in a nutshell- “do what I say and give me money or something bad will happen to you” Worst panhandlers ever.

This shit will burn itself out but not without some substantial reality checks for the general public along the way. People haven’t seen the world these people are trying to revert us to and probably need to experience it in order to value the safeguards that are currently being stripped away at a rapid pace.

The Neo Nazi revolution is here. Rejoice.

Christianity is a cancer on this country. It has twisted people into literal monsters who prey on the vulnerable with their “values”.

Keep doing what you’re doing but double down. Do more, travel more, fear nothing. You know what you’re doing now do more of it. Just don’t drink as much.

I wonder what percentage of these people actually suffer from some form of undiagnosed mental illness.

I have a close friend who is Schizophrenic and these people sound a lot like him.

I think there should be a subsidy program that would go to the employer if they do hire a person with a disability to encourage employers to do so but paying people less? That makes no sense for either party AND makes the employer look like a monster if that’s the understood, underlying practice. Lose / lose.

Yes. Men are all about uptight, judgey women who won’t have sex with them.

I think it’s time for the Red and Blue states to go their separate ways. They get Trump in the divorce.

He “officially” paid a porn star hush money. Totally immune.