Netapp, rubrik, and adobe is cracking me up 💀

how do you know you are rejected? Microsoft is known for being extremely slow in most cases

:lewis-hamilton: Sir Lewis Hamilton

Lmao what?! Russell panics as bad as lando does

You said f-35 isn’t a fifth gen in your opinion but it meets your three criteria for a fifth gen fighter…

That was real? I saw that movie I thought it was bullshit

If it’s tie for first then that means nemik moves down to third :) I agree with your ranking btw

:lewis-hamilton: Sir Lewis Hamilton

Why not jettison George Russell and go for Kiki AND max

Lol if he’s up for Grammy there’s 0 chance Drake would go. Agreed, it would be hilarious tho

That’s a cool anecdote that I’m sure is true. Speaking as an engineer at a FAANG, my experience has been completely different. Maybe I’m just at too low a level but I don’t see how it’s possible for someone to steal your friends work and accomplishments over months and then steal a promotion from him that just sounds goofy. Are there no PRs proving who did the work? Makes no sense lol

How do you “cheat” once you have the job? Plagiarize code from elsewhere?

It’s really not that serious

It’s great that you feel proud about that but practically speaking it doesn’t matter. You get your foot in the door anyway (within reason) you can and then go from there

Whatever the Artemis is sitting on is already starting to bow from the weight just fyi! Looks really cool though great job!

No, literally every country. Japan is quite famous for it lol