Hendaye to Irun shuttle ?

Is there a shuttle from the train station in Hendaye to Irun to start the Camino del Norte ?

I’m in the middle of a monthly revenue creator reward offer. Going well

Chair Yoga

What’s the deal with chair yoga. My social media feed is full of it ?

Camino de Santiago Info

Camino de Santiago Info for Pilgrims to learn about the Camino and experienced pilgrims to talk about it and help others

Every 3/4 days get a private room. Nothing to be done about it unfortunately. Get good ear plugs and a few beers before bed. That works for me

Camino de Santiago for Seniors

I created an article because I am getting a lot of seniors asking about the Camino Pilgrimage.

I covered everything from choosing a route and packing essentials to managing physical and mental challenges and enjoying the experience to the fullest.

Have a read