My favorite things for WD were piranhanado and psychophants. Watching those little dudes run around with knives was fun.

Depends on the player. Being that this game is newer, I’ve seen plenty of players who play as Leland that don’t know what they are doing. It is a risk, but I figure if they nail me, my lesson learned. Lol.

I have to agree with you on this. I myself am a Bubba main ( due to my love for the series). From what I have seen from other Bubbas, they want the quick 30 second kill. They don’t know when to stalk and watch and learn. It does help also when you get the instant start perk. So much fun watching a Leland peeing himself and running when you walk up behind him and start the saw.

I was looking more into just trying it and not buying a whole bottle to find out that I couldn’t stand the taste. Lol.


Any bars in Rochester that serves Absinthe?

I got the plant as a gift. So, working on hopefully helping it get healthier since it looks pale.

Just say your 92 identifies as a revolver.

First one of the year.


Can I keep altcoins that earn interest in my wallet and still earn interest or does it have to stay in the exchange?

Did you link your Coinbase wallet to the Coinbase app? It’s in your settings in the wallet.

Sorry I’m late to the party….

Finally grabbed some Dogecoin today since it finally made it to Coinbase. 💎👐

G2C at the range…
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How did you get the red dot mounted?

Thank you for the comments. I’m new to Ar’s and that was the biggest question I have always wanted to know the answer.

Swapping full uppers?

Can a person swap the full upper to a different caliber if it’s from the same company? I was looking on possibly getting a 308 upper if it was possible. Right now I have a 5.56.


I always wanted a pen attachment for my Taurus g2c. Now, I can trade it in and get this one. :)