Ohhh sorry! I saw a paper that named that as ARQ-252 (probably wrong then).

I did a bit of googling and found that there is already a version of the cream on the market as roflumilast or trade name Zoryve if that helps!

I think it was this one https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04378569. I still don’t know what I received but it sure helped - I was their “star” participant.

I had chronic hand eczema in grad school (it's gone after going through a clinical trial for chronic hand eczema). I would use Lipikar hand eczema cream. I also would do wet wrap therapy for particularly bad flare ups using my steroid ointment or OTC hydrocortisone, moisturizer, and wrapping my hand in a wet bandage followed by a dry one.

There’s legit no need. There’s a free software called WeMod that lets you duplicate items. That’s how some people can do giveaways of large items.

My twin and I were also separate sacs but fused placenta. We didn’t know if we were fraternal or identical either with people telling us their guesses. Found out we were identical through I think ancestry.com. The result was like “you’re either an identical twin or you submitted twice.”

I learned that people die from tetanus because the constant flexing of the muscles leads to you being unable to breathe in some way so you just suffocate to death. Similarly, botulism causes your muscles to relax so you can’t breathe anymore too.

This has to be top 10 dreamsnaps this week. So beautiful!

I have OCD and use Kaiser cause I’m cheap. Their mental health department isn’t very good… my last therapist through their contract company thought she was psychic… but in terms of treating Crohn’s, it’ll be affordable! For example, I went to the ER for severe gastroenteritis. They did a bunch of tests cause my gallbladder was initially looking inflamed. I had an ultrasound, MRI, and something else performed and it all cost me $100 (including ER visit). So if you need tests performed for Crohn’s, it’ll be affordable.

For mental health, all I had to do was tell the doctor about the medication for OCD I take and they keep prescribing me it which is handy. But if you have trouble with a medication for mental health, you might have pushback depending on your doctor. I was complaining to my doctor about weight gain from Zoloft for a year and he eventually just said “therapy will cure you!” Yeah… switched from that doc fast. Funny enough my therapist suggested fluvoxamine and all I did was talk to a random Kaiser doc and tell her about my therapist suggesting fluvoxamine and she was like “ok!” So they’re happy to prescribe but not happy if you complain about the medication.

My cat is the same! I think he’s not as hot when he cuddles with us anymore, so he can finally cuddle as much as he desires.

ESH. Name calling isn’t going to help her, but she does need help with her anxiety about germs or body fluids. It’s beyond what is normal for people.

Stinky tofu. It smells like manure to me and then when I ate it, the smell filled my mouth and sinuses.

I think he's definitely a Persian or a Persian mixed with something. His head is round and face is slightly smushed.

I feel like I can’t say much because I began applying when the industry was booming and got my job relatively quickly… however I did move to the Bay Area for my job. Right now it’s difficult cause many companies have hiring freezes. I would expect hiring will resume again sometime in 2025 or 2026. I would recommend giving yourself at least 6 months before you finish to begin looking for a job.

I like mine for daily maintenance. If you have carpet, you’ll still need to do a heavy duty vacuuming once in awhile but not as frequent. For floors, they kinda do the job so mopping is very infrequent on my part.

I play video games either with my friends irl or with my friends I met on the video game. I also like Zumba.

It might be passed over because of the not fancy enough even though it’s a great pic!

Seeing the seals at the pier is really fun. You can get the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and just sit and watch them. You could always tell her that Alcatraz has a bus to go up and down the steep hill to the prison and walking around the prison is very easy.

Zoloft (later switched to fluvoxamine) made me realize how much of my thinking was influenced by OCD over the years. It was shocking and upsetting and I am still separating my OCD from who I am as a person and from my faith. But the improvement to my life was huge.

Buy big pack of Diet Coke from Costco or Sam’s club or, if you have one near you, a Smart & Final. Buy frozen burritos or muffins. That’ll save you money… in terms of waistline, you could opt for maybe a fruit like banana instead of the burrito or muffin.

When my twin went on her summer internship in another state, I would call her every day after I got off my summer job. It turns out she was going through a bout of feeling like no one cared for her and my insistence on calling her every day helped :)

I want to say that too. I also have a bed like this and have no mold problems and I live in an area with 60-80% humidity (although it always feels dry to me…). I wonder if any of the stuff stored underneath was wet or damp when put in