Go up to the GWB and cross it, then run along the Palisades!

After my last breakup, I took the weekend to grieve and be an absolute trash panda and eat whatever I felt like I wanted in the moment before I picked myself back up on Monday. Also, cooking was just too much effort. I suggest a doordash/ubereats gift card.

Might be more practical than fashionable, but I love my Dagne Dover work bag

Nice! I just don’t want to pay for inside tracker so I don’t know how else to get those levels.

I get all my labs done from my PCP, but I guess we’re frustrates me is that the normal levels are just the baseline for my sex and age, and don’t factor in training for endurance. So like, yes my Vitamin D and Ferritin levels are normal but are they “normal” for a runner? I don’t know what those levels are. :(

I’m going to assume you’re asking with curiosity and not because you think your gf is making it up but there are studies showing doctors being particularly dismissive of women’s pain, especially women of color.

I never got an IUD because I’ve had a history of pelvic pain anytime anything was inserted - a tampon, intercourse, pap smear etc - ALL painful. I’m like this can’t be normal, but maybe it is? Went to the doctors office crying because I was like, I can’t have sex with my bf, I feel broken, etc.

And she told me to have a glass of wine and relax. Turns out, that wasn’t the fix I needed, and she’s no longer my doctor.

It is exhausting to be in pain anywhere, but pelvic pain is its own kind of hell. Please believe her and support her and take responsibility for the birth control because we are so sick and tired of it fucking up our bodies.

Also: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/30/briefing/the-retrievals-serial.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb

Thanks to this sub, I surrendered my whole life insurance policy that I don’t really need and was convinced to get by a NWM salesperson. I haven’t been maxing out my retirement, but also trying to save like crazy for a down payment. This will give me some wiggle room, even though it was painful to cut my losses given how much I’ve paid into it over 4 years.

TWA Hotel? There is a pool and food/bar on site.

Nothing. I want literally nothing but for the bride to write me a sweet card about our friendship, and as a gift cover all or some of either my dress, or hair, or makeup. I have donated so much useless bridesmaid gift stuff, like the 3 robes I’ve gotten for getting ready for different weddings.

When I was using it, it was $3 a month regardless of your account balance. This might depend on the person, but I was taxed if they sold anything even if I didn’t withdraw the money from my account.

Basically, I prefer to be able to browse different index funds and pick ones with a low expense ratio. You don’t have that control with a Robo advisor.

I used to use Acorns but the fees got too high. I moved everything into Fidelity (split between a Roth IRA and brokerage account) and just pick low cost index funds, checking in once in a while and rebalancing things. I think the temptation to have someone else handle it is definitely there but the fees are not worth it imho.

I keep an emergency fund and revolving savings in Marcus.

The r/personalfinance subreddit wiki is a godsend. It explains what to prioritize and what’s recommended depending on how old you are.

Live and learn! Also, I think that seriously focusing on dating in my 30s helped me to view things with a little bit of nuance. I feel like everyone automatically jumps to the littlest thing being a red flag or a sign of narcissism or just plain superficial and I’m like, we’re all just individuals who carry things from past hurt or from how we were raised and are still learning and growing (at least in part - some people are still just walking red flags 😵‍💫).

I had my wallet stolen several years ago. Besides freezing and cancelling all my credit and debit cards, the top three things I recall doing were:

  • (888) 400-5530 - call the ID theft resource center. They gave me extremely helpful info. I was a little basketcase after the theft happened and they helped me figure out what next steps I needed to take in a calm, compassionate manner.

  • call the USPS and report that your wallet was stolen and to place a fraud alert on your address so that no one can put in a fraudulent change of address request for you.

  • place a freeze on all your credit bureaus, so experian, transunion, and equifax. That will prevent new credit cards from being opened up.

I went through exactly what you’re going through at 25 especially around having crushes on guys who didn’t like me back or were just not emotionally available and unwilling to commit.

I didn’t have my first “real” adult relationship until I was 31. I sometimes still feel self-conscious that I was a “late bloomer” but I put dating on the back burner for a while to go to grad school, and I can’t change my story.

I wish I put myself out there more in my 20s in order to learn what bullshit not to tolerate in relationships, what my icks were, and to just get a sense of how to navigate a partnership with someone. You are constantly evolving, and that evolution doesn’t stop once you’re in a relationship, so go through seasons where you date and seasons where you’re not dating, and view it as tiny baby steps to get you ready to bring your authentic self to a relationship.

I appreciate how knowledgeable and the amount of research folks in this group do, but there is a pretty large knowledge gap in properly interpreting scientific studies among the general public. I already feel like a lot of these places are profiting off of our anxiety, and so I read everything with a healthy dose of side-eye.

So CCRM has an exclusive supplement to presumably sell to patients, and they performed and funded their own study to prove it works so that they can checks notes continue selling supplements to patients?

The study does not create a causal link, just states that there are preliminary results that might be promising out of the 24 mice and 121 IVF patients, but requires further investigation.

Where did you go for your egg freezing? I’m also in NYC.

I know this is a Peloton tradition but I f’n hate “turkey burn” or “shred” or whatever aggressive term to describe exercising before a holiday meal, as if I’m supposed to earn my food this way. I love Peloton because it almost always strays away from body and weight talk but this is just cringe.

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