Be honest and tell him your TOXIC friend drove you insane to do something Stupid and How Sorry you are and NEVER EVER TALK TO HER AGAIN.. SHE is the PROBLEM and cleary trying to break up your marriage.

There isn't any full proof way to spare thier feelings other than just being 100% honest. I'm sure they are aware the issues of where they live. Just be honest and upfront before they arrive or when they do that you don't want to have issues in your house. You don't want them to be offended but you would like to take whatever precautions you can and it is nothing personal just trying to protect your house and family.

Let everything in the car until you check it all one at a time OUTSIDE first. Shake out each and every item outside before taking it inside the house and you should be fine.

How long until the bad taste??Discussion

How long after you take the pills do you get the bad taste? How long does the bad taste last?

What is the best things you have found to counter the bad taste??

I hate feeling like my wife is a bad mother.Toddler 1-3 Years

We have a 3 year old little girl very sick with covid right now because her mother tested positive over a week ago and refused to quarantine herself at all. Just because she felt lonely. Now our little girl is horrible sick.

But that is just the tip of the ice berg. She has absolutely zero schedule or routine. Still not potty trained. My wife just lets her eat whatever she wants feeds her cookies and ice cream even when she doesn't even ask for it. Puts splenda and artificial sweetners on everything.

Now that sye is sick ofcourse she wont take any medication at all because my wife has always act much more like a fun siblings than a parent so there is zero authority. So anytime I act like a parent should I am the bad guy.

So beyond frustrated. I have had so many talks about how important a secdule and routine is for children and to give her choices between 2 things but don't just let her be in charge since she is the child and my wife needs to be the adult and parent.

She is much more concered about posting pics on facebook and getting likes than being an actual responsible parent. Her phone is ALWAYS in her hand while countless times our daughter has gotten hurt over the years. Nothing too serious just some scraped up knees and such.. but still could have easily been prevented if she was paying attention to her instead of the phone.

Words cannot describe how upset I feel most all the time. I just want our little girl to have a loving caring responsible mother. But that isn't the current reality. I don't know what to do anymore.

Yes, it won't be easy but do you really want to give up on your dream and goal without doing everything you can to give it a go? Children are very resilient and able to adapt much more than most give them credit for. It is usually the adults who are much more afriad of change.

Just apologize and giver her time and space to process this horrible emotionally painful experience

I think you just need to respect her feelings and just move on. All you can do is say your sorry and let her know your always open to being friends if she wants. But if she doesn't want that then you just need to accept it and move on and stop trying to force your wants onto her.

It is easy to understand your husbands thought process from a practical level.

However, he did agree and sounds like put you on this journey for your career dream and passion. That being said, there are plenty of professional career couples who live in different cities. Doesn't mean you can still look into ither states for your dream job. Long distance relationships are more of a challenge but not impossible.

If this is something really important to you, you can make it work. You put in all the hard work and money you deserve it to yourself to give it a shot.

So you owe it to yourself to atleast try.. then see how you like it and make a better decision down the road. You could very well end up making more money than him, find an amazing deal on a house in another state and a place where he can actually get a new job also from his experience he has now.

You will never know if you don't try!!

Good luck, this is your one life!! Live it to the fullest.

I think it is best to just respect his decision for his happiness and not try to convince him to stay in a situation that he wasn't happy with.

You can also look into Snap Ebt, housing assistance. There are many different types of programs government and private and churches. You don't need to go to church to get the help.

It is clear this isn't a healthy or safe environment for you or your children. He needs to put being a parent first and clearly isn't doing that with the drinking and unmedicated mental illness. The jealousy ontop of that is a recipe for a disaster waiting to happen.

I think you already realize you need to get yourself and your children out of there. It can be scary but it is for the best.

You can call 211 and get a list of local organizations that can help you. Just start calling friends and family and just explain your situation and worries. Hopefully you can find the support system you need for you and your children to have a better future.

Good luck to you. You are very brave to make this change before something bad happens.

No sounds like your instinct is right on. This guy is clearly over stepping the boundaries and sounds like he didn't show his ex very much respect or loyalty if he is saying he was really into you while he was with her.

What stops him from doing the same with you the next time he sees someone he is into more??

I think your instinct is correct. Time to move on if he can't 100% respect your decision to be friends ONLY.

Good luck.

Please do not marry this guy. He sounds like a nightmare. You deserve someone who loves YOU The way you are Naturally not trying to change you into his Porn Fantasy.

Why is he not concerned about trying to do anything to compromise how yo make you feel good?? Sounds like it is 100% about him ONLY!!!

PLEASE FIND A GUY WHO LOVES YOU FOR YOU and not demanding you change to please him.

How did you get ut forgiven??

SAVE accrued interest???Advice

I thought the SAVE was supposed to STOP interest from accruing??

I changed from REPAYE now interest is accruing must faster than before and at a higher rated.. NelNet is adding $1,500 a month intest on the SAVE plan..

I have tried all day the last 3 days to talk to someone and have never been able to get a human on the phone!!

This is killing my credit rating I have dropped from 827 to 764 since great lakes sold my loan to nelnet!! Because the loan keeps getting bigger

I'm guessing it is much more your insecurity. Stop asking her to be romantic and expecting her to initiate the sex. Why don't you try to plan a romantic evening and be more asserative and find ways to please her, even if it is using her vibrator on here.

If she got a vibrator it was likely because you were not keeping her satisfied in thr first place, when she came to you asking your thoughts about it you basically said you didn't care.. maybe she took that as you didn't care about her happiness and sexual satisfaction and this is why now she nolonger want to talk to you about sex.

Noone likes a selfish lover. Instead of complaining about what she isn't doing for you.. start doing more for her and I am sure your sex life will greatly improve.

I would switch to uber and stop using lyft and post your experience all over the net as a warning to others.

Quality standards?? Ride ratings..Passenger Question

Does Lyft have any quality standards?? I usually use uber if i take a ride share.. however today gage Lyft a shot.

First ride was a mini van and it was absolutely filthy and the drive had some type of wood stuck in the air vents that made the car smell and driving very jerky.. I absolutely thought I was going to vomit hadn't felt that sick in a decade.. as soon as i got out of the car and got some fresh air thankfully I felt better.

The next car is a nice newer camry very clean.. what I would expect with any typical uber.. however the driver speaks No english at all!!

Both have a 5 star rating.. just find the first one to be very suprising .

I typically just do not rate if I am not able to rate 5 stars unless i felt unsafe..

What are other thoughts and experiences with Lyft?? How would you rate a horribly dirty ride?? How do you feel about a driver who doesn't speak English??

Does Lyft have any requirements for drivers or thier cars??


We are in the USA in Florida, I don't think there is any programs like that here.

Yes, I totally agree but neither of us have any friends or family or support system. Other than my adult daughter who says she doesn't ever plan to have children and hasn't seem very interested at all to have much of a relationship with her little sister. She comes down during Christmas but that is it. But she seems to treat it much more like her mini-vacation rather then happy to come and spend time with family. I unfortunately really spoiled her growing up also and she just seems to only think of herself.