I say Stay being his side - hoe and get your revenge. Start trying to get his kids to know that mommy isn’t the only one. Really lay into this guy and make him regret it. Then tell the wife. Maybe pay a dude $20 to tell her for you.

Prob some like shouting “I’m going to fucking kill every single one of you” but idk just a suggestion on what not to say.

Already told her and she was very supportive. 🙂‍↔️

I’m not in any active therapy/treatment. And I won’t expect that so thank you.

Gently as in like don’t outright say it or like ease into it?

More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate. Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Should I tell my girlfriend of a month about my depression?

It’s that time of year where I am becoming extremely depressed throughout the day and it’s affecting my mood around my girlfriend. Before dating I did slightly cover my mental health and that I was diagnosed with several mental disorders. But was never specific. Should I tell her it’s affecting me?


You won’t ever be able to change someone, if it bothers you, you won’t be happy and you just need to leave. Unless she’s able to genuinely stop. Also if you know she’s stealing you might get in trouble as well.

I was being a dick so you decided to complicate it further, gotcha. My bad jit.

Animals also give birth to their kids and eat them? Don’t see why we are comparing humans to something so arbitrary. Also I don’t see how biological gender being a man made term helps your argument? Because it’s false, we are naturally male and female there is no other gamete. Finally, if research shows that gender is heavily controlled by the brain, how does that change my point? Your brain doesn’t determine if you have an xy/xx chromosome.

Geez you are so emotional. I said one cuss word and that’s what set you off. Yet somehow we both managed to be agreeing with each other. The paradox of perspective fuels the flame of misunderstanding.

I meant what I said, it’s purely a social construct. You can’t be no gender. BIOLOGICALLY. (Caps for emphasis not shouting)