I also have a M3 pro as a daily driver and love it. It’s stout AF. I use Linux for my main workstation and home lab. However I also have an iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad Pro and now the M3. The ecosystem of just works is priceless to me as I’ve gotten older. I don’t have time to tweak and futz around nor do I want to deal with niche products and vendors. It’s expensive but if it breaks I can call, or walk into an Apple Store and get replacements and in a few minutes be back in action. It all works so simple and I can move data and tasks around to each device. Use each device to support the other like use the iPad as a second monitor wirelessly or flip links from my iPhone to my iPad or MacBook. I can’t even recall the last time I had a technical issue with any of them.

My home lab is another story and my main rig has a few flavors on it. For my own development work, projects linux is all I will use anymore and I don’t miss Microsoft at all.

I’ve been thinking about building a new rig lately and have to admit I’m waiting for the M4 ultra studio to see if I’m going to build a new amd Linux workstation with a 5090 or pull the trigger on the m4 ultra.

This is the nice way of saying it to thread the needle of legality and PR speak. It's not fundamentally different. I'm sure they knew there was no way he would drop the Ai venture. It was a false choice to allow the appearance that he left on his own will. Companies do shit like this all the time for executives so they don't get tied up in a legal battle.

The difference here is that if you or I behaved like him we would have been fired with no choice of exiting gracefully so as not to impact our upwards trajectory.

Ahh yes, thanks for reminding me about the warning labels on illicit drugs! I just checked and my meth says that is was produced under a peanut factory. Saved my life!

Wasn’t the position posted as non union flat fee? That’s a mighty assumption that she might be getting ongoing payments.

The compute is meaningless as it has very little to do with the capabilities of the model. It's just the capability to finish training larger models faster and eventually serve them up with less latency and larger context. The size of the data-center or cluster is indeed: meaningless.

Did they make any claims about the actual capabilities?

Great stuff thanks for making this!

If they had AGI they would not need shiny products. AGI is priceless.

Knowing Sam only from the way he works and his history everything happening is falling in line 100 percent with playing the silicon valley shuffle. They are acting like a startup and industrial giant all at the same time. Fuck safety , get money.

In the absence of laws and regulation they won't go down any path that compromises profits they can make right now. The majority of people working at Open AI probably want to hang on as long as they can until their stake makes them rich enough to be secure in their own right.

If you work for a company and your CEO is a person with a track record for making people rich, it's very easy to ignore the other "nerds" constantly "whining" about safety and security.

It's easy enough to validate for most people. "The company will work that out when they have to. I just want to do my best to make sure I can cash out and get rich. Then it wont be my problem anymore"

Maybe they do get lucky and cash out with uber millions or billions.

The question is what will that mean for the world?

Ask Boeing and Tesla, or Norfolk Southern or BP I guess...

Any money is mostly spent in the us to manufacture the stuff. There is very little cash assistance compared to hardware aid. Do some better research.

Because the people in government know exactly what is going on and profit from it. The market is just as fake and propped up as any other to allow the current rich to stay in control. They wont let anything change that.

I’ve been pretty blown away too. It’s much better at longer retrievals. Wont even bat an eye to dump 200+ lines of code in a go. tracks multiple files better. It’s significantly better at refactoring and critique. conversations can get quite long and it retains good accuracy. It doesn’t seem to hit the lazy spells or leave out critical parts of established code. Still messes up occasionally and can get stuck in its own loops of bad logic. Claude is often able to work through these issues on the first shot.

It’s wild how much faster it is. I’ll probably start using 4o much more and keep Claude for the more complex items.

The grass wont grow where it cant get through. You need to get those rocks and debris out of there, get a good layer of topsoil going and then seed or sod.

Put liquid smoke, Worcestershire and soy sauce into a spray bottle. Hit with a squirt before you flip. IMO anything else is overkill and not worth the time. No need to over complicate.

Oh yeah man perplexity is doing it right. Been rolling out lots of updates too. It’s miles better than other ai search. My new Google for sure. If they add more indexes it will be difficult to beat.

I think they figured out what Google should have done long ago. People will pay for accurate and helpful results that bypass adds. I hope we are in a renaissance of internet publishing where solid content will become supreme again.

Gonna need a recipe for that one. Damn nice.

You're pretty and you have great style. Are you in a small town full of normies?