Yes you can kill the Bataleur Eagle. When you’re high up in the tree tops near the eagle’s nest you can tell when he’s about to attack because there is an audible cue. Listen for its scream. I noticed this a long time ago. You can hear a distant eagle scream a few moments before its attack. Make sure you use sharpened sticks too. Early in the game it takes 2-3 to kill it.

It did last year. The years before that, I can’t remember for sure. Pretty sure it’s happened at least twice in the last 5-6 years though. Still a fun show to watch, but kind of concerning for those living in the immediate vicinity

Don’t worry! You’ll be able to see Mt. Rubidoux burn again this year no matter where you are in the city

Starting to get sick of the GOP train wreck impacting the quality of my life

The neighbor’s chihuahua is bad enough yapping all day long at everything bigger than it is. Now he’s going to be shooting at me with rubber bands every time he’s got a clear line of sight.

Looks like some sort of hominid other than sapiens having to suffer through witnessing unspeakable evil

My brain totally saw the word butt instead of bullet the first time I read that.

SoCal killin it. Literally. I’m surrounded by idiots out here. Help!

You’re right. They open up their apprenticeship programs once every year or two. They’ll give out applications at the union hall(s) one day a week or month for a given period of time. Usually over two or three months. Then everyone that passed the application process will be sent a notice for their scheduled testing. You go take their aptitude test and from their they’ll start calling guys out to the union training sites as applicants. Once the instructors decide you’re ready they’ll find you an employer looking for an entry level employee. Calling around and hunting for a job yourself is really not the way into the unions.

Absent mindedly pulled up to a stop light in the lane next to the left turn lane. One little old pickup truck directly in front of me, same lane, stopped at the intersection. I was supposed to be in the left turn lane. This was around 9pm. So we’re sitting there stopped waiting for the light to turn green, no one else at the intersection but my pickup and the one directly in front of me. Suddenly a black SUV comes speeding up to the intersection from the perpendicular left, so going from our left to right through the intersection. He decides to try and turn right, slamming on the brakes since he’s speeding, and slams right into the driver side door of the pickup in front of me. If I’d have been in that left turn lane I’d have been fucked up.

Had a gf tell me she couldn’t see anymore after 30-45 minutes, and then another gf went unconscious, which really scared me. Couldn’t get her to wake up for 10 minutes. Was considering calling 911 and imagining all the possible repercussions

Your own pants. In theory it would be preferable to shit somebody else’s pants.

That after investing years and years of genuine interest and love in another they prove you to be a fool, and then you’re too far past your prime to have a chance to recover and make up for all the wasted time

I learned something new from you. Thank you. The parents of this kid I’m talking about are Canadian, though.