I want them to choose life but if they don’t I won’t miss a single nights sleep over it I had drug addicts rob me my whole life everything I ever had sorry my sympathy is flawed

That’s the problem your commenting on something you know nothing about

I’m sorry you don’t understand me I’m not very good at that 💕

Not by a long shot I’m saying men and women and not 24/7 everyone is a chimp in a suit your doing yourself a disservice by thinking humanity is special

Neither am I you just blinded by the truth brought forth by evil men good men are still animals too they just hide it better and so are women were chimps in suits there are things your husband has never told you about him I guarantee it because you would never accept it

It’s his nature too he’s just been conditioned and shamed to repress it

I wonder why my wife loves me so much then and in actual reality I love her more than anything but yes I’m an animal not a cheating animal but yes animal nonetheless

Damn my wife wanted it be for and after even when I didn’t I guess I’m lucky 😅

Yes they think it’s not our nature and that we’re just assholes because they will never understand

Keep using internet terms you’ve never injected heroin stfu 2 percent are gonna get away shoot it in your veins and then tell me that then you’ll be on the same level.

Oh Lordy I came from one of the poorest places in the country idk about grown men I deal with a lot of sexual innuendo but when I was younger it was a lot worse

Exactly and it’s more of a percentage then people would like to admit that are to far gone

Hopefully they just hurry up with the ya know killing themselves with drugs


All of social media not just tik tok

You can get it online for like 20 bucks illegally

I didn’t shit they did and they can do it in the woods away from my sight and smell

lol well😳😳 it sounds just like a man saying she’s wearing those clothes for attention just different

I thought you wore make up and nails and heels for your self and other women now it’s buying into the patriarchy cause you have to 🤔

How about just drink a lot of water and make sure your ph is balanced all this fruit talk is ridiculous