If you want help getting out to the parking lot, the parking lot is not the right place to ask for that help.

The man was helping a child. Which is what he should be doing, unless you also need help.

If you needed help you would have asked for it, right?


Because adults have the ability to say ask for help when they need it. He did what he was supposed to do: he helped the injured child, and assumed the “adult” he was with could either handle her own problems or request assistance. You had to do one or the other of those things. You did the former.

When you want help, ask for it. Don’t sit around stewing because the man prioritized helping a child over helping an adult who hadn’t asked for help. That is 100% what he is supposed to do. The fact that he did that, means you got a good one who was raised right.


Can’t. And doesn’t have to. The burden of proof is on the accuser.

The point is just to understand what’s going on. Because when OP understands why he is being falsely accused, he can respond better to the situation. Maybe you don’t block them without a word. Maybe a good explanation of the situation can help the accuser pull her head outta there and start going after the actual crooks. Or maybe it won’t help at all. Couldn’t hurt, anyway. But in any case it’s always best to know what it is you’re dealing with.

They’ve already said how they would do some of this stuff. Like appointing people to the FDA to decertify mifepristone, so no law needs to be passed in order to get it done. Executive orders are one part of it; converting thousands of agency jobs to appointments is a big way to accomplish it by Fiat. You don’t need to pass a law. You just fill the agency with loyal flunkies, and you can run that agency any way you want. Checks and balances are being broken. Intentionally.

They’ve published a full plan. And if you read it you’ll find it’s feasible. Never say never.

“Don’t grab shit out of my hand” is a nonsensical boundary when it’s your shit that she grabbed without permission.

I don’t get why anyone thinks a 787 is a plane to avoid. They’re right up there with the A350 in terms of being a sweet comfortable ride where they did everything right. It’s a far sight better than being crammed into a 737.

There are no known safety issues on the 787, and it’s facing far greater scrutiny than others because of all the press Boeing has been getting. Scrutiny means minor problems don’t become big ones.

It’s a good plane.

16 year olds have no idea how to do meal planning. They don’t have the intuition for how much to get of what, or when to do what. Remember when you were that age. Remember how long it took you to get into the groove of it. Remember how many food mishaps you had in your twenties. And she’s only sixteen. There’s a big fat learning curve to climb here.

You’ve done nothing wrong here at all, but you may be missing a great learning opportunity. Try to find a middle path where you provide her basic sustenance and add an occasional vegan meal, show her how to ease into it. Just suddenly going vegan one day is harder than it sounds, and it doesn’t sound easy.

It sounds like you take Christ’s teachings more seriously than he does. This is good. Someone has to.

Honestly he’s upset mainly because you’re right. If he wants you to live his faith, he needs to start living it. That’s fair.

I honestly don’t think you’re far from being a person of faith. But you’re a damn long way from joining this man’s church.

It’s not all one package. Living a righteous and godly life is one thing. Accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior is another. And accepting some church where the pastor spreads messages of hate that directly contradict the teachings of Jesus, well now that’s a bridge too far for someone like you. You’ve seen the bad side of the church, and once you see it you can’t unsee it.

I think you may already be doing the first of the three things. The second may be in reach. The third is a non-starter. That’s where you’re at. And it’s okay.

The Bush/Clinton election of 1992 is the one where they coined the phrase “It’s the economy, stupid!”

Yes that was the major issue that Clinton ran on.

The gasoline engine shouldn’t even run while you back in. At all. In the event that it does, it’s a modern low emissions engine running for a few seconds. It’s fine. Don’t run it for extended periods obviously but this amount won’t cause any trouble.

Hell, people used to back into their garages in the days of leaded gasoline. It wasn’t their best move but they did fine.

They’d have a lot more plausible deniability if they hadn’t already outlawed abortion, attempted to outlaw certain forms of birth control, sent fake electors…

Your first car was boring af, and you decided never to let that happen again

Disable the letters and just have auto-fill words for her to choose from.

Your example is peculiar:

This quote speaks to how Asher changes in Book 2, it shows he wishes to expand with his given talent but also wishes to stay within his religion but not be restrained by it either.

In this case I'd use a colon after Book 2. A semicolon would also work, or you could use a period and just have two complete sentences. People often try to create long, complicated sentences where a series of short and simple ones would get the point across much more clearly.

A comma splice is an informal construct. In formal writing, we normally use a semicolon to make that splice. As a general rule: if each side of the splice would be a complete sentence, a comma is insufficient.

We have one more problem: the sentence to the right of the splice is still janky. "It shows he wishes to expand with his given talent but also wishes to stay within his religion but not be restrained by it either." Using two "but"s in a row causes a logical failure; English doesn't work well with double negatives. The second but could be an and.

Or you could, again, break the clauses into separate sentences. It shows he wishes to expand with his given talent. He also wishes to stay within his religion, but not be restrained by it.

Just barely. It will work but if you have the land for a bigger building, do it.

It’s important to note that full two-car prefabs from TuffShed and the like are common and not too terribly much more expensive. You’re right to not want to scratch build anything like that.

Good luck in office, sir. I’m sure you’ll serve our country better than the last couple guys. Let me know if you need anything.

You normally want a garage big enough for two cars, because you need plenty of room around the car for toolboxes, workbenches, part storage, and so on. You could do it in a 12x20 but a 20x20+ would be a whole lot more pleasurable.

Everybody knows how Trump would score. Every person, every woman, every man, every camera / TV.

It’s not the kids that are the problem here. If their dad had taken the situation with the seriousness that it deserves, the family wouldn’t have been evicted. He would’ve gotten his kids in line. Because letting your kids torture a dog is, say it with me, heartless and cruel.

This is on their dad.

Studebaker’s designers regularly looked to Italy for their design cues, which they made in American sizes


Tough? The Studebaker Lark was a very common car in bigger American cities where compact cars ruled the roost. These things and Rambler Americans, Corvairs and Capris and Falcons, Fiats and MGs, Volkswagens and Valiants and Volvos. That was a mainstay in the American not-too-big car scene, before the Japanese took over.

I’m 53 and my brain is still changing and, though it has lost some speed and recall, it is improving in terms of emotional regulation and focus. Which is a major win. The small loss in speed is no big deal tbh; the improvement in other areas absolutely dwarfs what little I’ve lost through aging. And the experience that I have now also changes things for the better in a big way. So no, I’m not stuck with the same brain I had at 23, and I’m very glad for that. On the whole my brain has improved, continuously, the whole time.

At some point it will start going the other direction but it’ll still be changing 💁‍♂️

I would never date someone with the same sun and moon signs as myself. That’s just asking for trouble

Native Speaker

A picket is a type of board. The first photo is of a picket fence. Those boards are called pickets.

The second fence is a wooden fence but not a picket fence; those boards are just called boards.