I’m a pediatric ICU nurse. I see the rarest and weirdest diseases ever. I’m doomed 🥲

My stomach hurt last night and I was convinced I had pancreatitis or stomach cancer.

But my overall anxiety is on the ALS train currently


PICU- so.many.drownings. And burns!

I’m late to the party but I also get this. Like I have to push a little harder to fill my lungs

I would let my cats file my taxes if they could.

Registered Nurse

I used to work in the ER. We had something similar happen twice and both families got the rabies shots.

I have a single toothpick for tonsil stones, and May or May not clean it in between

I’m a nurse so gross is pretty normal, and this event doesn’t make me bat an eye anymore but some of you may find it gross.

I was taking care of a kid who was shitting rivers. We had just finished a bath and it takes 3 people to move this kid. At the very end, he starts shitting, and shitting and shitting and it was to the point it was about to start streaming off of the bed onto the floor, and me. So I take his mouth suction and suck up the shit stream. Me and the family just watched it go up about 6 feet of tubing and mix with the bucket of sputum to make this oily, separated concoction of shit and snot and spit. The family was mortified but I was so proud of myself for not getting it on the floor.

My daughter has migraines and the neurologist told me to give her caffeine. I asked if there was an age appropriate way to give caffeine and she said no, so we definitely get side eyes when she drinks coke at restaurants but it beats her throwing up from pain all the time.

Yeah, vomiting oddly transitions me into a point where the pain subsides but it becomes a full body migraine and my entire body just feels gross

I have health anxiety primarily. When I’m deep in it, I feel locked. Talking is a chore, moving is a chore, and I become obsessed with whatever disease I’m fixated on. I can not move until I’ve googled every symptom, test, Prognosis and treatment.

The lasting effects which I feel not many have touched on, (like when nothing is acutely wrong) are weakness, fatigue, dizziness

I agree! When my anxiety gets bad (which it is currently) I feel stuck. Like literally can’t even talk sometimes. It was a great representation and I think a lot of the movie made anxiety seem productive, but that moment really brought it all together. I think it was a great movie actually

I’m 30 and the scene where she pulls anxiety from the console thing during the anxiety attack and when she put anxiety in the chair made me cry. I’m not an emotional person at all. She’s not alone!

30f, I’m in the US. Emg July 29

I have all of these symptoms so I can relate. Will follow! Also getting emg soon

Late to the party but all of my symptoms are also left sided 🙃

I actually could have written this myself. All tests are negative. Even a spinal tap. Intermittent numbness and tingling, loss of use of extremities, I’ve had every lab, vitamin, scan. Idk what else to do.

I’m not afraid of throwing up myself, but when other people around me vomit I have the worst anxiety response. My legs shake, my entire body freezes and my heart rate spikes. I’m also nauseous for hours after. I almost faint every time.

Fun fact: I’m a pediatric icu nurse 😂


When I worked ems I went to a call in the woods for an 88 year old cutting down trees on a tractor. The tree swung and obliterated his tib/fib. Ankle was hanging on to the rest of his leg by skin and skin only. Had no service and we had to figure out how to get this man off the tractor onto a stretcher with the two of us and stabilize his non-leg.

I kept asking him if he was okay and he was so insanely still and calm, didn’t even want pain meds. Just warned me that the donkeys bite.

Pediatric icu nurse. If my anxiety isn’t high about killing a kid it’s high wondering if I have any of the crazy diseases we see.