Love this song, especially the Muddy Banks version. Great live album.

You really want to control when he pees? That is really weird. YTA.

Calling him old is not taking his debate performance seriously. I know some old people but Biden looked and sounded completely lost. I'm voting for the democratic nominee no matter what, but that performance made me very uncomfortable.

So he was crushed by illness and/or medication and his advisors let him go out on that stage and shoot his campaign in the foot? Dosnt seem possible.

Biden has huge gigantic negatives you can't deny. He needs to go. Anyone even remotely on the fence between Biden and Trump isn't going with the mentality incompetent guy. Personally, I'll vote for Biden anyway counting on his Cabinet and other administration officials be that's not going to work for everyone

I don't think so. Europe has enough nukes for a deterrent, and their equipment and training are much better the Russia.

I forgive you Anna. A ways back my buddy went to Mexico and came back with an expensive bottle of tequila. We had a group house at the shore and he left it there. Well, one night the bars close and we brought some people back to the house for late night. Ran out of alcohol and someone ( ok it was me) found his bottle. There really wasn't much debate- we polished that right off. Next day we fill it up with some other tequila and line up the seal as best as possible. That night he's like hey let's get out that Mexican bottle we're like ok. He didn't notice it was opened. He had a shot and was like wasn't that great. Eventually confessed, he wasn't that mad and he was pumped that he had identified the sub par counterfeit stuff.

I have hope the movies will be good. Some of the recent series have been good. Liked all seasons of the Mandalorian. Andor was good. Not great, but I enjoyed them

You didn't give much context on the conversations. Some of these responses could be joking or warranted by circumstances. I would be concerned if he's bullying less popular or attractive classmates for no good reason

Ok, Yta for snooping. Invasion of his privacy. Besides that, would like more specifics re the content. Why did he tell someone to stfu? He's not a punching bag, if someone treats him poorly he's within his rights. As far as rating looks-eh. Girls do this all the time. Right in the cafeteria as boys walk by. It can be cruel, or might not be depending.

Lawyers often will represent you nothing down, they get a cut of the money at the end of the case. Don't be afraid to ask. One might help you thinking you might have a more valuable case in the future. If you're in a union, they might have lawyers on retainer who might be paid out of your dues.

Don't need tinfoil- the dripping far will fall on the coals and vaporize giving the burgers more taste

Bro, no one was found guilty. No charges were brought. None would have been brought against Trump but for his clear obstruction of justice. Comically stupid, Trumps on video trying to move the boxes so the FBI dosnt find them

I don't see how this is constitutional, they are counting on the corrupt Supreme Court to ignore the law and back them up.

I have never cringed so hard as when I first saw this. Fuck this guy.

That Reg Sho list isn't worth shit, they just move the account offshore or hide them some other way.

YTA. Your response was unnecessarily harsh. If you flip the situation and the older party was female I doubt many people would approve. If the guys delusional, all you need to do is say no thanks and move on.

Probably resurrect him and make him change diapers as the walking dead.

I watched it, not terrible but not great either. Meh.

All the top secret files strewn about Mar a Lago with foreign agents well aware of the situation. Why was he so desperate to hang onto those files, even to the point of calling them "my files" after they were taken back? Dosnt that seem odd? Wouldn't surprise me if they were for sale to the highest bidder. Dude cares for no one but himself.

Yeah, no. I want a cat, not a prisoner. What kind of life does a cat have if it never climbed a tree or fell asleep under a bush. 2o years in my house, always 2-5 cats and no complaints. Lots of trees, little traffic no predators to speak of.