A lot of these governors being named are relatively unknown. They’re also unknown re: dealing with Trump. Beshear at least shows he can win in a red state. Don’t know who can get up to snuff fast enough. There’s also the problem with delegates who are all pledged to Biden.

Yes, I was listening to Strict Scrutiny and they discussed the Bruen case and how conservatives basically had to pretzel themselves around that ruling in order to reverse the 5th circuit for Rahimi. I wonder what kind of awful event it will take for SCOTUS-especially one like we have now with a super majority of conservatives-who may have to one day figure out a way around the immunity ruling. Or perhaps they’ll just figuratively shrug and double down on affirming the awfulness of that ruling.

I was disappointed in the restaurants I went to during my visit last summer. In fact eating in restaurants there seems to get a little more worse every time I go back since my 1st visit more than 20 years ago.

If Trump wins, seeming more likely every day sickening though it is, Thomas and Alito will resign. I can’t imagine the type of candidates they’ll pick. Dems winning Senate looking a little bleak.

Biden did just do an interview with George Stephanopoulos. Part of it airs this Friday on ABC News and also Sunday on George’s show. I think Biden should also do a town hall. He should also get on social media. He was probably exhausted after 2 weeks in Europe, 1st in France then at the G7 then flew to Hollywood for fundraising then to Camp David for 1 week of likely getting overly prepped for the debate.

IANAL, but listening to Strict Scrutiny on most recent podcast, they discussed how bad the Bruen ruling was and how SCOTUS needed to figure out how to pretzel themselves out of that screw-up of a ruling in order to reverse the 5th circuit in the Rahimi case. I’m wondering if in the future this terrible ruling on immunity creates a violent blowback in some way as a result of it, i.e., Trump wins in 2024 but refuses to leave in 2029, attempts a coup and has military killing hundreds or thousands of US civilians causing conservatives on the court to backtrack and say, oh yeah, well, we didn’t think that would happen.

My favorite recording of Art of the Fugue is by Hesperion XX with Jordi Savall. The use of a consort of wind instruments along with a consort of viols really makes the music sound incredible. Prior to that, I’d heard recordings using strings and one on piano. I’ve not yet listened to any recordings of this piece using harpsichord.

Interview was already done. Parts of it airs Friday on ABC News and the rest on George’s show Sunday. I agree he needs to do a town hall. He needs to get out there on social media as well. He needs to cut back on traveling abroad. He was gone for 2 weeks to Europe including the G7 then to a fundraiser in Hollywood then to Camp David where he had one week to prepare. As I noted on another post, I think he was over prepped for the debate. Re: health issues, I think he may have Parkinson’s disease.

Donating to Vote Save America sends money to grassroots organizations to help in swing states, at risk candidates, and they help people get enrolled. Grassroots activists can really help educate voters on both candidates and ballot issues. Just look at Ohio in 2023. Big turnout in August for ballot issue on changing constitution requiring 60% vote instead of 50%. Republicans wanted the higher bar to pass legislation to change constitution. This was because of upcoming ballot issue in November re: reproductive rights. These organizations really helped voters understand why the issue about constitution was in special election in August. It was defeated. Then in November reproductive rights was on ballot. Republicans worded it so as to confuse voters. Again educating voters helped and it passed. As a former Ohioan born and raised there, it warmed my heart.

Biden did just give a one on one interview with George Stephanopoulos. This was post debate. Airs on ABC News this Friday plus George’s show Sunday. Biden likely has some cognitive decline but look what he did within weeks of the debate: to Europe twice each for several days-1st France for WWII commemoration then G7 in Italy then flew to a fundraiser in Hollywood then to Camp David where he had 1 week to prepare. I think they over prepared him. I’ve done the same more than a few times in college, up all night studying then look at the questions on the test and my mind goes blank. Re: his health issues, they say he has trouble walking due to bad arthritis in spine which may be true but to me he looks like he has Parkinson’s disease.

Thanks so much for the link. I haven’t seen it since it was 1st televised. Oh, the good old days with Obama as Prez. Ann was fantastic. Jimmy Page was practically jumping out of his seat. How did he age into that sweet old grandpa-looking face after all the drugs decades ago? Plant looked poker faced until the end. Everyone in the audience was into the performance. Even Yo-Yo Ma was grooving to it. I, unfortunately, never saw Zeppelin in concert-too young but I did see Heart perform twice.

He also just did a one on one interview with George Stephanopoulos parts of which will air on ABC News Friday evening and again on George’s show Sunday. I was thinking the same thing about reading off the teleprompter. He sounded pretty normal. I heard that the team that got him ready for the debate really went overboard. Probably exhausted him plus he was apparently worried about time limit for responses so half the time either froze or got confused. He also just came back from 2 different trips to Europe, several days in France then to G7 in Italy then to Hollywood for fund raising so he had 1 week to prep for debate.

He is doing the job but needs to have thousands of grassroots volunteers swarming all over the country but mainly swing states to knock on doors and educate voters all that he has accomplished so far. Volunteers also need to work the phone banks as well. Biden just did a one on one interview post debate with George Stephanopoulos. Parts will air on ABC this Friday plus on George’s show Sunday. So no teleprompter just like the interview he did with Erin Burnett in May. They need to air snippets of this as well on TikTok and Instagram as most people will likely not watch it on ABC News on Friday or on George’s show Sunday.

Well, I guess SCOTUS has ordered Judge Chutkan to hold a hearing to determine this and other aspects of the case. From what I understand, Jack Smith will need to bring in all his witnesses to be questioned and then cross examined as well as turn over all his evidence as in an actual trial. Not sure how that works if Judge Chutkan then decides there should be a trial.

Regarding Jan. 6 immunity case, Justice Barrett seemed to feel that 3 of the allegations in the indictment were actually concerning private acts to which Trump’s attorney Sauer agreed.


Fast becoming 3 seasons, unfortunately. Finding myself heading further and further north in winter to snowshoe.

I’ll be interested to see what Judge Chutkan does next. Can she go ahead and schedule a trial at least for 3 of the allegations which Trump’s attorney Sauer admitted under Barrett’s questioning were private acts? Some have suggested that if SCOTUS gave this type of ruling and remanded case back to district court, that Judge Chutkan could hold a hearing to hash out SCOTUS’ decision, I assume with the participation of both sides?

EDIT: SCOTUS has ordered Judge Chutkan to hold a hearing. Jack Smith will apparently need to have all his witnesses including Mike Pence appear during this hearing and like in a trial will be questioned by both the government’s and Trump’s attorneys. Smith will also need to turn over all his evidence for this hearing. This is per Lawrence O’Donnell and Andrew Weissman. From what I understand, though, is that nothing can happen until Chutkan has the hard copy of ruling in her hands. SCOTUS has 30 days to get it to her so I’m sure they’ll delay that until the last minute as well.

I was told by an attorney that those serving time can participate in another trial. There were no details re: whether or not it would include prison garb but your statement makes sense. In a way, though, it’s too bad considering all the Trump acolytes as well as Trump himself have no regard for the law.

Then after receiving the new essay, teacher gives the student another “C” and sends it back again with no explanation other than to re-do it. An endless loop if you will. I believe SCOTUS has 30 days to send the hard copy of the ruling to Judge Chutkan so I assume that means she’ll receive it on August 1st. I mean, what’s the rush? So much corruption in the justice system, so little time. SCOTUS conservatives as well as others like Cannon, Fed Soc, etc., are all likely having a good laugh amongst themselves at the expense of this country’s rule of law.

Hey, I want to see Bannon in an orange jumpsuit! In 2 months Bannon goes on trial again for money laundering (NY state) with Judge Merchan presiding. Maybe Bannon will be brought into court while serving time hopefully in full regalia of an orange jumpsuit with handcuffs on plus chains around his ankles!