Yeah I don't she will be swimming anytime soon.

Partassipant [3]

Considering forcing a pet on someone is never a good idea plus you can't force a relationship with anyone. Sometimes people click and sometimes they don't.

True. Make sure if you post to the other revenge to give a link.

Strict when they are being stupid is necessary if you are in charge of the kids but it has to balance with being kind.

Considering the fat check that the bully was forced to pay plus most adults who have this i can't be wrong because I'm an adult and you are not never want to apologize seems pretty pro revenge to me.

I don't get either. The bully and the school were forced to pay for bad behavior because falsely accusing someone is a no no in the Bible as well as stealing and he forced them by having the one belt that nobody else would openly wear in that school. They learned a hard lesson that day and hopefully it stuck with them. Even though I think dress codes are dumb this was ridiculous because they just had to have it their way. Belts are for holding up your pants nothing else. And to fuss about a lack of one is silly.

I'm not sure about malicious compliance but it is sure great revenge.

And did ever get taught to behave like adult instead a petty jerk of a child.

This isn't revenge. This a angry wish comes true. Everyone makes an angry wish sooner or later.

Well according to kitty you are a lousy singer. Since you keep it up he has to stop you.

You think they pay attention considering if you lose enough employees you will have to do the work to get things done and no boss wants to work.

I surprised that the bosses didn't take notice when employees were quitting left and right.

Well the females are probably jealous too. And plus somehow the power to lord it over someone and be petty as possible unfortunately gives those in power a big head. Those people rarely want to hear they are wrong. I heard about a school that got rid of 90% of the dress code and everyone was happier for it. No more fashion police no more worrying about those who push the limits of proper clothing till they almost show everything. Too bad more people can't follow their example.

I'm supposed to be the star.

Yeah they don't like being treated like sex objects anymore than most people. There is a big lawsuit by the professional ones about this.

Yeah the whole don't wear summer friendly clothes in summer because it shows too much is ridiculous.

I guess but when you start fussing over 1 inch vs 2 and everything that relates to being female you turned into fashion police. Rules should be for safety and nothing else. If the boys can't find a way to pay attention well that's not my fault

Well I understand keeping private parts private. The slightest hint of a girl top half and we have covered head to toe.

It not that I think anything wrong with the uniforms but if a uniform they say okay and don't fuss but if you wore a regular outfit that shows the same amount of flesh well be prepared for all hell to rain down on you.? That's my problem.

Yeah it crazy. The slightest bit of female flesh and its freak out time. And that excuse about the boys distracted by it is ridiculous considering they are distracted by the fact nature demands they notice girls. Girls could be covered head to toe and the boys would still notice them.