I’m definitely not the most talented gamer, that’s for sure.

I mainly use Blasphemous Blade, heavy Strength/Faith build. Not NG+, I just can’t get any breathing room and he acts like my summon doesn’t exist - full aggro on me.

Any tips for Messmer? He’s the only boss I have encountered so far where I feel hopeless - and so can’t really progress the story until I beat that fucker.

I’m the opposite - I get self-conscious when I dislike something that everyone loves.

The way I see it, why would I cry about fighting Messmer 50+ times at level 190 when I fought Rennala 50+ times at level 30?

I like going to park playgrounds and sitting next to parents on the bench. When they inevitably ask “Which one is yours?, I look at them and answer “I haven’t decided yet.”

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about real life or a game - doing the same thing over and over while expecting the same result is the definition of insanity. If you refuse to adapt to different situations, you might want to get your head checked.

What exactly is Oceans of Madness? I'm not finding it online anywhere

Umpire :ump:

That’s the feeling I’m talking about. Aren’t you glad you had evidence? This situation does not (to my knowledge). Also, I’m assuming your evidence was more than a Twitter post. Do you honestly think both situations are equal? There’s NO evidence here. It’s likely the guy is guilty, but without evidence, we don’t get to condemn.

That’s how I felt about that goddamned Hungry Hungry Hippo.

Why? Have you ever been wrongfully accused of something, even if it was something insignificant? Remember that feeling?

I just beat Putrescent Knight on the first try in a few minutes. Yesterday, I finally beat the Golden Hippo on my 54th attempt.

If people can’t separate their emotions from reality, idk what to tell them. All it takes is the simple ability to put yourself in the shoes of someone being accused.

Umpire :ump:

I’m referring to the common sense concept of needing concrete evidence

Umpire :ump:

How dare you not support the Reddit Court of Opinion?

EDIT: Explain why the presumption of innocence is wrong or kindly fuck off.

Do you know how much tail this guy gets? All of it. He gets it all.

Good. Get to work. If you don’t, she’ll find someone better