Local 38 JW/CAW

100% agree. I love the apprentices taking pride and posting their conduit installs but we should really have more videos of racking in breakers, throwing gear, dressing larger transformers, and proper service/testing methods.

This is the breast robot video I’ve seen in a long time.

That’s good to hear. I’m pulling for her. Such a sad story.

I’m sorry, is there something funny about drug addiction to you? Makes you go “har har”??? How is this interpreted as a joke?

I don’t know. It’s simply what came to my mind when I saw this tattoo.

Yeah, I can’t imagine what it’s like being a child actor. Those kids have it rough.

Right. Amanda Bynes, a once promising actress has a face tattoo. Imagine being an artist and thinking it’s ok to face tattoo a world famous actress. . . Drugs.

As someone who regularly travels internationally for work, no. As long as the bio page is intact and no pages ripped out, you’re good.

Journeyman IBEW

If you really want to flex on them, line up the stickers.

I lived in Musberg and rode this everyday. It’s a bummer commute, even if you go through the woods, you’re still riding up hill (on the way home). I eventually started locking my bike up at the train station and bussing it in and out.

“get Rained out faggots.”
I appears the protesters wrote the sign with their toes, black sharpie on white poster board.

Journeyman IBEW

One day the floor shook. Phase to phase, breaker go boom. Client not happy.

I’ve seen inmates post TikTok’s from prison. What’s your point?

Journeyman IBEW

It’s funny how many of you brag about rushed jobs that look like garbage and then cry about wages. If we want our pay scale to increase, a standard must be maintained. It’s not a hard concept to understand.

Im not understanding. Say a girl is 165. 55kg is not child weight. Walking allergy spreading like crazy these days.

That’s how violent she was as a result of seeing packages. Imagine how this women reacted to actual stressful situations. And she reproduced.

I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with breast-feeding in public. I’m a little older now so the novelty of a breast has been lost a little. It’s just a boob.

He wants bail but won’t tell you why he was arrested. He sounds like an entitled piece of shit. Nta

I eat most my meals alone. You get used to it. On many occasions I have eaten alone at fancy steak restaurants, just me and a bottle of wine. Yes, people are going to stare but who cares. Your enjoyment is what matters.