I think any member of a strict, fundamentalist religion. I grew up Mormon, and there’s just no way. If someone had belief and no adherence to any kind of practice… idk. I’d have to give it a lot of time before I fully trusted them. 

I can’t picture a scenario in which I’d date a Republican or a Christian. 

Captain Fantastic. I had no idea what it was about before I started it. 

Lord Huron, I think it’s called “I lied,” or something like that? 

Cherish these days… lol. One day he’ll probably need viagra. 

Because all media is owned by billionaires. They’re in on it. 

What’s the device called? My friend lives in Alaska, I need to send her one. 

I love the way dog’s ears smell. It calms me down. 

It’s really brutal. It still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. The last time I had a good cry over it was a few months ago. 

Honor that this is a huge, huge trauma. You’re grieving the death of your baby. That carves a hole out of your center, and it’s hard to feel anything else for awhile. 

I promise it gets better, although that’s kind of a sick thought that can feel like a betrayal, getting over your baby. It’s not really like that. The wound stays, but other things start to fill in around the edges. 

Maybe you’ll go to college and have some good experiences. You’ll have intense love relationships. You might even have children someday. 

The grief never goes away. It just becomes part of this big emotional landscape, so instead of this big gaping hole in the center of everything (how it feels now), it becomes something kind of in the corner that catches your breath sometimes. 

This version of you will remain inside you as the rest of you grows up. I know that sounds weird. This grief will pop up from time to time, and you’ll feel exactly as you do now. You’ll be 25, 33, 46, and all of a sudden you’ll feel 16 with empty arms again. Try your best in those moments to give you the biggest hug in the world. 

Be for yourself what you wish you had right now. You need a big sister, a safe aunt. Give yourself lots and lots of love and compassion, right now and forever. You are your very best friend, and you’re going to get through this and be ok. ❤️

I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I know how that feels. I was pregnant for 12 weeks when I was 16, and it ended in a miscarriage. 

I’m 43 now, and while it’s something I still feel pretty tender about, I think I’m at peace with it. 

It is awful being alone through these types of traumas. Would your parents support you starting therapy? You don’t have to tell them why. Your therapist wouldn’t be able to say anything either. 

I think of my lost baby as my little butterfly. It’s really helped me to make different art projects (I’ve made origami butterflies and then way more complicated quilled butterflies.) Someday I want to make a little mobile of butterflies that I can hang by a window. I’m thinking of getting a butterfly tattoo someday. 

Crocheting yourself a baby blanket to hold could help, too. You can pour all your love for your baby into a memorial blanket for them. 

Anything you can think of that’s private but helps you grieve would be really healthy, I think. 

Be careful what you write down. My family knew about my pregnancy, but my journal was read at other times, really violating my privacy. 

He’s the kindest person I’ve ever met. He accepts me for me, and makes me feel incredibly loved. He’s funny, and a great cuddler. He’s been an amazing dad to our kids.  I can’t imagine spending my time or living my life with anyone else. 

My collarbones. Or when my hubs is spooning me and kisses that space between my shoulder and neck. 

I’m autistic, so not the best at this stuff. 

But I’ve been to tons of therapy! I’d call it out. In person, over the phone, just own up to what you’re feeling. “I feel like we accidentally offended you the other day, which was not our intention. We left early because….” If you feel like you want to salvage the relationship, say so. “We really like being your neighbors, and would love to hang out again.” Then invite them over for dinner or something. 

If you want to maintain the good relationship but not get closer, don’t invite them to dinner, just tell them you’re grateful for such lovely neighbors or something. 

Obviously make the words your own. 

I’m advocating for boycotting the billionaire class. Ending the consumerism indoctrination, not giving them our attention and data (recognizing that right now social media is how we communicate), forming self-sustaining communities, ignoring celebrities, etc. Going to therapy. Napping. I think there’s a lot of ways to resist.  I’m also not opposed to dragging them out into the streets a la 1792. 

I also am incredibly frustrated at the lack of organization on the left. The right is mobilized, I get assaulted by gop petition people everywhere I go; I had to chase one out of my office building the other day. They are getting and following marching orders. Our school board mtgs have been overrun for years. They effectively give orders, and their constituents hop to it. 

We don’t have anything like that on the left, we’re wringing our hands waiting to figure out what the hell to do. 

After this last election, trying to convince people to vote progressive as the one and only solution has lost its power. John Fetterman, Kyrsten Sinema, even Cory Booker and Katie Porter have been massive disappointments. 

There’s nothing preventing someone from running a progressive grassroots campaign to get elected and then turning their coats the second they’re in. I haven’t donated to anyone this year. I used to donate a few bucks anytime Trump said something stupid to races all over the country, which added up to quite a lot. 

This year, I’m not bothering. They’re getting bought off by the billionaires, they don’t need my money too. 

If you’ll look at my post, you’ll see where I said I will be voting for Biden, dumbass. 

I’m also not deluded enough to think that’s going to solve anything. They could’ve fixed this, and they chose not to. Both parties are owned by the billionaires. 

We’re in deep shit, and while we need to vote, voting isn’t going to fix the deep shit we’re all in. 

Which are being eroded and taken away at an alarming rate. Don’t gaslight. 

Exactly. People hate Biden for good reason. I’m still voting for him, but donating or stumping for him feels like endorsing or putting our stamp of approval on the last 3 1/2 years. 

I am disgusted and more scared than I ever have been, because they’ve done absolutely nothing to stop or prevent this. We knew this was coming. We voted in a blue everything, and they couldn’t even pass voting rights. 

We all knew this was coming, and look where we’re at. We banned TikTok and bombed children. All our rights got taken away. 

They’re owned by the same people. So we have to stop looking to them for solutions, this is where it gets us. 

I’m ready for 1792 energy. If we’re going to go back to having that type of life, let’s go back to those types of solutions. 

There was talk that higher ups in the party are floating the idea of replacing him. I think if they’re going to do it, they need to do it soon, and it CANNOT be Kamala Harris. 

I wouldn’t be surprised (tin hat) if Joe passes “peacefully in his sleep” conveniently soon. Harris would have her 15 minutes and could support the new candidate. 

Gavin Newsom, Jamie Raskin, someone like that with AOC or one of the squad as a running mate. This needs to happen, and they need to fucking hire someone competent to handle it. 

I swear to god, whoever greenlit this debate were either diabolical or imbeciles. It was only ever going to go one way.  

Fantastic. Then you should be well-versed in trauma being the underlying cause of addiction. 

You’re welcome, for calling you on your bullshit. ❤️