I'm also here to complain. Love the series, love the first book, and anxious to get more.

I placed an order for the physical book to come in, but nothing beats Matthew Holness' delivery.

I put my preorder in. I can't remember which, but I know I was allowed to switch mine in the past. I think I recall it costing me an extra $10 at the time.

Well, those prior editions were all priced the same. They just had different curators to lead the narrative. Like a gimmick to be sold on your favorite horror icons.

When you say that, you mean digital, bluray, w/ a t-shirt, etc versions, right?

What I mean is how the previous releases had an Elvira, Corey Tailor, Linnea Quiggley, Cinnemasacre, etc cut.


All prior releases have done this.

I hate how they're so slow to release details on the variant versions of the BD releases.

The preferences of listening to songs that we already love unblemished.

Damn, he was gonna get some ass that night, too. Too bad she has none left after that.


Have you seen AI art? It can't even do fingers properly, yet you think humans are the ones who need to get better?

(Disclaimer, I haven't watched secret wars) from my understanding there is an opening sequence with music and AI generated art. It's hardly a proper animated feature. I say: big whoop.

Like what, not needing to earn money to eat and put a roof over their heads?

No, more like "Made In America" advertised products. "Animal cruelty free" advertising. Etc. There are still plenty of people that generally prefer hand drawn animation to CGI animation. Check out the feedback to the new Trigun revival. Lots of people appreciate/prefer hand drawn animation without trying to claim that industry use of technology as a whole is evil. Similar to how plenty of people have a preference toward practical special effects vs CGI effects in film.

This would quite clearly come under technological innovation which if you read my comment I actually said I had no problem with. Is your pro-innovation stance just so ingrained that you're even being defensive against people meeting you in the middle

When it comes to a little bit of auto rendered art during an opening? I honestly don't care. Most people tune out during those segments anyways. I'd say the same during the MARVEL montages before pretty much every single marvel film.


Then they need to offer something superior. Or pitch their offering in a unique way.

Do you think people were crying rivers for horse drivers when cars were released?

Folk need to wake up to reality.


AI is going to make a lot of job fields obsolete. Artists trying to guilt trip the world can F off.

Just like automated machinery in factories/everywhere, the world is evolving. Find a way to evolve with it.

[Edit] unless these people are also boycotting every place with a self checkout line, they can shove their hypocritical crying up their ass.

Sorry, I meant from subs. Not across the whole platform.

Lots of wild mods out there that would rather ban people than see anything they don't agree with.

My girlfriend got a fish tank recently. No fish. Just 10 of these guys.

Use GOG if you want DRM free games.

But, to be fair, Steam in the background ought not be too demanding on resources.

Yeah, it's fine if OP has already checked out Cradle/didn't like it; but, description wise, it 100% fits the bill.

I originally thought the off the cuff sloppiness made it seem genuine, like they were just a couple buds bullshitting about movies.

Learning the screenwave business relation kinda soured that impression. Oh well.

Before purchasing with credits, you should compare the price of a credit vs the price of Kindle + whispersync.

I don't believe I paid more than $8 per for any of them.

I'm currently almost done with the 7th entry. I've been enjoying the series and consider the cost of entry rather low.

Link To The Past - timeless pixel art, perfect nostalgia, this game just does everything for me.

After that maybe Windwaker and then Breath of the Wild.

I'd like to say Ocarina of Time, and, to be honest, it's a great story, and in many ways timeless. ... but it's objectively ugly as fuck. Those visuals did not age well. Majora's Mask is similarly a lot of fun. Playing as a goron/Zora/Deku was great.

I'll be perma gone when RIF disbands.

Then either I'll hear word that they reversed the decision and come back on the app of my choosing, or I won't.

Not a fan of the voice actor work here. Don't even mind the music.

With the way Porn Hub advertises and is shoved into pop culture, it's not that much different than what the Playboy Rabbit logo was way back in the day.

The two word logos, one in a orange box.

Whyyyyyyyy would anyone destroy their own vehicle like this.

6700K, 1080TI

Store them in the location where you intend to run them from.

The only way your concept would work would be if you stored all games on the HDD, then transfered them to your SSD when you choose to play them.

But, honestly, that sounds like a huge pain in the ass. Also, there's not much good reason to have all your games downloaded at all times. Keeping maybe 6 games installed and ready to play ought be plenty.