Competitive Powerlifting

I think so, if it raises it 5 points that's still keeping your heart healthier, you know?

Competitive Powerlifting

I'd drop the var and go get a lipid test in 4 or 5 weeks and see if it's improving. If it's still looking bad, I'd lower the primo or increase the test, but I have a feeling that you'll be fine with that ratio.

Citrus Bergamot always gives my HDL a boost.

Weed has never made much of a difference for me. I'd absolutely start doing more cardio though.

Competitive Powerlifting

As long as the primo isn't tanking your e2, it's the anavar. Var is horrible on lipids. You should do whatever you can to get your lipids looking better. Maybe drop the anavar? What are you using it for?

Competitive Powerlifting

Probably, but don't get too preoccupied with it. Leg drive is helpful to stay tight, but it isn't as important as we like to think it is. I'd get on an actual program if you aren't already, as that will pay off more so than perfecting leg drive.

Competitive Powerlifting

Are you on your toes with your feet behind your knees, or flat footed with them out front? You could try the opposite, and see if that helps.

Competitive Powerlifting

Don't sleep on dialing in your technique. Most people don't keep their back tight on the press, which really hurts stability and your ability to move weight.

Competitive Powerlifting

Unless you are clinically hypogonadal, I think 200mg is so not worth doing and having to go through a PCT over. Read the wiki, all of your info is there.


I think it increases your red blood cell counts (making your endurance better), which thickens your blood, increases your blood pressure and fucks with your kidneys. It may vary depending on the person, but my BP and kidney function was definitely worse on test/eq than on test alone, test/primo, or test/anavar even though I had the least amount of water retention.

I still haven't tried nandralone. My hair does appear to be thinning at this point, even on trt. But I don't care enough to do anything about it.


Boldenone was created and used for humans in the late 40s and continued to be used as such for almost 30 years. It was discontinued and re-purposed for horses shortly after. Even the ester used in EQ specifically was used in humans in the 70s before being discontinued.

There are reasons to prefer primo to EQ (I personally prefer it), but "it was made for horses" isn't one of them.

Competitive Powerlifting

Deca does not reduce the actual inflammation in any significant way. The immense amount of bloat from that cycle just filled the area with more water, and the irritation was (temporarily) reduced. These claims of reduced inflammation and running it with no negative effects are a real stretch and are being touted by trt clinics, which are fucking equivalent to pill mills.

Trt with low dose deca isn't likely to give you that same level of relief. Also, running deca year round is not healthy. 200mg for trt is probably too much as well.

You're not going to like this, but avoiding movements that irritate it is the only right answer for this. If you keep going down this road, this will become a chronic condition that holds you back for the rest of your lifting career. I've had elbow tendinitis several times, and altering the routine is the only way to actually get rid of it.

Competitive Powerlifting

That's barely out of range, so as long as you do a normal beginner cycle and watch your blood pressure, I wouldn't worry about it.


If it's mild, it will likely heal IF you don't keep re-injuring it. I have guys I've trained with who took a break and came back to get PR totals (in their 30s / early 40s), and those who kept coming back too early that will likely never seriously squat/deadlift again. A woman I trained with tore her ACL, took as much time as she needed, and came back to eventually squat over 500 lbs.

The point is, you have a lot of years still ahead, so DO NOT rush into it.

And to answer your question, you absolutely do not need squats and deadlifts to be a bodybuilder, just a powerlifter.


You're not eating enough, plain and simple.

Competitive Powerlifting

My eczema is significantly better since I started, I'm assuming since my skin is oily and not as prone to dryness. The only time it has come back is when my e2 is too low.

What is your e2 on this protocol? Before the arimidex, were you getting high e2 symptoms?

Pretty good unless you run, or it's a female with babies. Then you're fucked.

Pretty good unless you run, or it's a female with babies. Then you're fucked.


Don't let it get you down, you'll ll find something.

This is why I always rolled my eyes when one of my employees didn't give 2 weeks and my bosses went off the deep end about how the employee is "putting us in a terrible position". They cry about this shit, but have no qualms putting said employee out of an income with 0 notice whatsoever.


Don't expect to be weaker, as some of the loss is just in our heads. I think 10-15% is typical after 8+ weeks, but two weeks in, I wouldn't be surprised if you can do more. If getting a good amount of your daily carbs in right before training helps, you can try that as well.


Go for it, it will only negatively affect you if you are too fatigued to go hard on the next exercise. If you are doing body weight stuff, you should adapt pretty quickly and have very few issues. Just try it, and if you think it's becoming an issue, add the longer rests then.


.8-1g/lb. of body weight for protein

.3-.4g/lb. of body weight for fats

The rest can be carbs.

As long as you are in a decent caloric surplus, and you are training hard enough and with progressive overload, this will definitely work.

Competitive Powerlifting

At 900+ test, a 60 e2 level is great for your lipids. If you have no noticeable side effects from the e2, I would definitely not take an AI. I wouldn't be surprised if your lipids got worse if you got it into the 20s with regular AI use.

E2 is good until you have issues... you don't. I would totally forget about the listed reference range unless you get gyno, high BP, erectile dysfunction, etc...


I'd record a video from the side of 135, and another at a heavier weight where this is happening. Then we can look at it and see if there is anything obvious about it.