STL - NHL :60911:

Aside from Coventry, they all became more vibrant, which is nice!

I'm glad you respect the freedoms America has given you, but the fact that other countries have more issues does not take away from the issues we have here. I don't deny that there are countries with bigger issues (I wouldn't want to be in Russia or Ukraine right now, for example) but the fact that they're in a war doesn't mean that our comparably smaller issues aren't still issues. You've replied on a few comments about it being disrespectful to veterans, but is the right to speak your mind without repercussion not one of the core values of America that they chose to serve to protect? If you don't like it, you have every right to voice your opinions without political repercussion. Unless I missed something, it's not like they criticized the troops or veterans themselves. Voicing displeasure at American issues the day before the 4th of July is probably the 2nd most American thing someone can do, coming after voicing your displeasure at America ON the 4th of July.

As a born and raised american, I promise you veterans wish some podcast host criticizing America the day before the 4th was their biggest issue. We take horrible care of our veterans

Is the technology cool? Absolutely! Do I want this? God no!

I should put that I know my marketing buzzwords on my resume lol

I am actually lol But I don't like it and I hate that it was so obvious!

blah blah blah "$30 dollars per drink" this isn't a place you'd go for a quick drink. It's a cocktail experience. Memories are a large part of experience and this would be memorable!

100% agree that it's not a particularly good roster, but I feel like it'll be the final year of the hard retool and then we might start going for free agents after this year. Plus after this year, Snuggerud and Dvorsky should be ready, there'll be one year less on Faulk and Krug's contracts which should make them easier to mov. I'm not losing hope, but I think this is the last year we're realistically don't have playoff asperations. Either that or it's the last year of the retool because it turns into a rebuild

:cards: I wanna die

stl cardinals have has so many disappointing FAs recently

Wait what?? This is happening??

Not fun stuff: My parents were out of town and I called and was like "uhhhh.... should I go to the store" and I bought toilet paper, paper towels, and a lot of frozen pizzas, pasta, and soup

Fun stuff: new guitar and a new laptop because I lived at home and my expenses were literally like $100 a month MAX so I treated myself to help get through the times!

If we can ditch Krug, I think Zadorov would be great. A big, tough, fuck you type defenseman!

Hear me out. Brought to you by Nvidia. KF does a lot of Nvidia streams. A lot of those streams were Cyberpunk. Tim loves Sonic. Tim loves the Fast franchise. What Cyberpunk character has something going on right now, links to Sonic, and the Fast Franchise? IDRIS FUCKING ELBA

We acquired him for nothing and then had to include something to get rid of him. I don't know how to feel about that, but hey! We now have like 16m in cap space and that's not nothing!

Love the pick! Good, sound defensive defenseman! Now start packing on the pounds!!

I like this a lot! We need to improve our bottom 6 and it sounds like he's abilities are greater than his production, but maybe a change of scenery could be what he needs!

mid 90s

I remember being at the soda machine in a Panera as a kid and a teen said something like "you wanna see me do a suicide" but I didn't know what that meant in this context but I certainly know what real suicide was. I was very worried!

:StLouis: St Louis Cardinals

Imagine having a former GM that drafted two 1st round LBs and still having the worst graded LB group

My take is that of course we'd love to have Buch back. He's great at both ends of the ice and is a great locker room guy. I love Buch and have considered getting his jersey if it weren't for Fanatics being shit, but is that the best use of salary cap. Thomas and Kyrou are locked up and Neighbors is 7 years younger than Buch and looks like the best net front guy we've had since Backes. Just look at the Leafs for how over investing in top 6 forwards goes. We need defense badly and unless we manage to dump Krug without retaining anything or trade Kyrou (which I'm not a fan of) someone valuable is gonna have to go

Only Tim would have a "Presented By" for his wedding! I love that!