Super sorry for being late to this, but this is something rather new I thought that I'd bring up. A lot of people don't realize this, but their horns were seemingly developed as a form of weapon to use while on hunts to inflict grievous wounds on their prey to make up for their weak bite force, on top of being useful as surprise attack weapons for warding off rival predators in their territory since they were ambush and chase predators. All of this becomes clear when you consider their environment and the prey items in said environment, along with their biology that made them able to make quick turns of the neck, which honestly would allow them to stab or bash into their prey while running along side them during hunts since they wouldn't be trying to hold onto them with their bites unless they were small enough when their horns can possibly inflict severe internal hemorrhaging of larger prey.

Also because of their physiology, I can't truly say the horns would necessarily would be large, not even close, but they would at least be sizeable enough to inflict significant internal damage with the right head swing to slow down or cripple their prey mid-chase, which is another reason not to have longer horns to avoid them getting stuck in the prey and risking serious injury. Not sure about headbutting however, as people say they wouldn't be able to handle that, but they're still known to have good neck strength for quick head movements.

It's even possible that the larger more intact horns might even be a sign of experience and dominance among their species, mainly to scare off smaller rivals and appeal to potential mates as an addition maybe even without the purpose of headbutting rival Carnos?

Super sorry for being late to this, but this is rather new. A lot of people don't realize this, but their horns were seemingly developed as a form of weapon to use while on hunts to inflict grievous wounds on their prey to make up for their weak bite force, on top of being useful as surprise attack weapons for attacking rival competition in their territory since they were ambush predators. All of this becomes clear when you consider their environment and the prey items in said environment, along with their biology that made them able to make quick turns of the neck, which honestly would allow them to stab into their prey while running along side them during hunts since they wouldn't be trying to hold onto them with their bites unless they were small enough. Also because of their physiology, I can't truly say the horns would necessarily would be large like the picture here, not even close, but they would at least be sizeable enough to inflict significant internal damage with the right head swing to slow down or cripple their prey mid-chase, which is another reason not to have longer horns to avoid them getting stuck in the prey and risking serious injury. Not sure about headbutting however, as people say they wouldn't be able to handle that, but they're still known to have good neck strength for quick turns. It's even possible that the larger more intact horns might even be a sign of experience and dominance among their species to ward off predators and appeal to potential mates as an addition maybe?

Yeah it looks too post-Hyboria I agree completely, would be cool if they made the Yamatai-themed stuff look more fantasy though rather than just standard regular Japanese style, possibly with a Lemurian flair to it or something.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

It's idling, there's an option for it in the report options.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

I'm just surprised we never got a shield hero for the Samurai, since the next and last Samurai hero won't have one either.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

100% agree! Though we're probably gonna get a Fencer hero if anything for the last Knight hero next year.

You know as much as I DESPISE Yamatai stuff in Conan in general, this is AMAZING work I must say! Really great job with this one!

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

I'm going to crush your skull if I ever see you in game for saying this brainless thing, fam.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

That looked like the guy is lagswitching or DDOSing you it seems. OR HE JUST USED HIS STAND ABILITY TO TURN YOU INSANE UNTIL IT ENDED UP DCING YOU INSTEAD.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

Bro they're not even twisted, did you not even read my comment?

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

Gryphon has a lot of good support overall, Warmonger BREAKS the commander stage if you're smart with using her, and Ocelotl can be used in a variety of ways as well, from debuffing the enemy players/guardian/commmander or using their spirit revive to cap banners or boosts, ect.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

That isn't the Nazi symbol. The Swastikas' are a symbol across the world in many cultures, especially prominent in Buddhism. Realistically we'd have them be symbols for the Samurai heroes if the Devs weren't scared of that idea.

It's only when they symbol is rotated or twisted that it becomes a BIG problem, because that was designed to corrupt and twist the original meaning of the symbol.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

Oh hell nah bruh, we don't need another gun hero in this game, one was bad enough as it is. Fencer is the hero you're thinking of and it SHOULD be the knight faction only, not Outlanders of all things fam.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

Eh you'd be better off making a Kappa-inspired Shinobi, would work 100x better since they already got the new head pieces perfect for that.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main


:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

He's clearly a vampire, just kill him with fire and stake him down!

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

Oh ok I see people didn't approve, I'll be better next time for daring to speak.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

Ah I see at 0:20, the bot is lvl 3, they're literally designed to cheat, especially if lag is involved with online matches.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

Don't speak too soon, they'll make it so a hiphop beat plays in combat whenever your character has a darker skintone fam. No joke. XD

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main


:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

Yo this Ocelotl is just further showing that we need masks to be permanently idle until death or emote/execution. That mask looked perfect with the helm ngl.

:Ocelotl:Pictish Bloodhunter Main

I mean there is the anime effect for samurai heroes you can get, the OVER 9000 one it's called.