I'm picking Dr Evil over the "It puts the lotion on its skin" guy from The Silence of The Lambs.

I've never experienced it, but if I had one of those inconsiderate arseholes who stuck their feet through the gap between the seats into my personal space, I'd lose my shit.

I was going to made a snide comment about this cunt, but you're right, regardless how much of a dick he is, good on him if he's made this positive change in his life.

That's what I do, although I add that i couldn't work due to being unwell.

You can try computer town in windang, should be able to help with this although I dare say you'll be paying a premium compared to buying a can of compressed air and doing it yourself.

Any of the pc shops should be able to do this for you, there's one in wollongong on the corner next to Amigos if that's closer for you.


Certainly can, Nuggets did exactly this against the Warriors this season (finished with the Jokic half court buzzer beater to win the game).

I understood that reference, unfortunately 😐

Can't even buy Tanduay here in Oz, I stock up every time I visit the Philippines.

Any filipino goods are super expensive here, if it can be bought at all. Canned goods from the Philippines are multiple times more expensive in Australia, as you said San Mig beer, processed foods etc.

I thought Afghanistanimation was a thing.

Thanks for lying to me Super Troopers 😭

I like the fact there's armed security at the malls, at least there's some armed protection if you get evil bastards looking to commit heinous crimes (although seeing the cash escort guys with armalites is always an eye opener).

A lot of security is what's known as security theatre, I don't pay it no mind but can certainly understand how it can put some people off.


There's a good chance that's a virus.

....I'm gonna give it a try anyways.

Celtics if KP plays and is close to 100%

Mavs if he doesn't/isn't.

Shit, back in the day there was the Jolly Roger Cookbook which had the details in there.

Both companies will no doubt further utilise predatory practices to maximise revenue stream from these products. The only benefit for the gaming community may be with 2 games in the genre, there's actual competition which may incentivise a focus on gameplay improvements as well.

My first visit to the Philippines in 2010 I was shocked at how people drive, it's chaotic.

In saying that, upon my most recent visit to the Philippines, road rules seemed to be followed a little more, such as traffic obeying traffic lights (mostly). This is in Cebu, can't say for Manila etc.

After seeing this, I no longer question if I'm doing the right thing buying a 3rd guitar.

Kudos to you OP, impressive.

🟦:moons: 14 🦐

Trumpcoin soon to come I guess?

Then he can claim he has the greatest cryptocurrency, better than the other ones.

No, we don't want the cunt.

Hope he rests in piss when he finally croaks.

The portly oaf is a cunt of the highest order.