Not sure. A couple listed at $700 on eBay. Two listed at $675 and sold for best offer accepted. I am going to guess around $500. But no way to really know that I am aware of.

You are correct sir. This is the prototype.

I’ll trade you for a sith trooper 306!

Nope. This was the $100 direct buy with a random chance to get the prototype. I think the order was way back in March.

I would def buy a rerelease sith trooper. The one with the angled helmet. $1k for the original is about 10x what I would pay.

I second the iridium. Best action on a sub $100 knife I have had. If you are looking to dip an affordable toe back into the hobby, don’t mind D2 and want an extremely fidgety knife I can’t think of a better option.

Anybody remember the old El Fenix Cafeteria off Web Chapel? It was basically Pancho’s with El Fenix food. Those are some good childhood memories.

I haven’t done any car photos for $$. But I used to do a lot of youth sports photography. I started by going to games of coaches and parents that I knew and posting for them to download with the option to donate. I learned a lot and got much better after doing this every weekend for about 6 months.

After that I had more requests than time, so I switched to a pay per game model and basically doubled my average donation amount per game to a fee. And of course started offering print services for additional fees. Not sure if that helps you, but the big thing for me was building the portfolio so the customers knew what they were buying.

Agree. It was my understanding that the original idea was to do a completely different Star/Scenario for subsequent seasons. Like maybe a lawyer fighting to stop a scheduled execution, or some type of true crime thing. But the first season was so successful they opted for the safe money and stuck with Jack.

I have seen similar slowness and confusion. This is not an ideal solution, but it is working for me. Build routines for your common commands. This takes the “thinking” out of it for Alexa. It doesn’t have to scan your devices to figure out what you want to do. It simply executes what you program into the routine. It won’t solve all your problems, but it can make those common commands reliable again.

And Starbuck was a man in the original series. Things change and sometimes a dreaded change becomes the best thing.

Thanks. Not mad at the rep. Just planned to start with their red dot as a starting point. My first AR and I know enough to know it don’t know what I am doing. Figured this was a good starting point.

Mainly waiting for the red dot. That was the main thing.

Like buying a new car and they said they would give me keys, but still waiting.

I had a 2008 R/T Road and Track. So sad when I had to sell it. Took me a long time to come around on what I used to call “dented” doors. I love my 2021, but that 2008 will always be good memories.

It all about personal preference. If you prefer an ugly gun, go stainless. Otherwise go black.

Love the subtle 292!

I am in the same boat. Been waiting since Jan 2. I called and they told me the same (waiting on sling…won’t ship the rest without it). Been almost 16 weeks and I have yet to shoot my Saint. I hear everyone talk about their great customer service, but I am severely disappointed.

Hopefully they will do something for us since they have missed their 8-12 week commitment.

Nice start. But there are so many Star Wars pops, I would recommend picking a subset. Maybe you like Jedi’s, or droids. I try to just collect troopers and have nearly 100 unique trooper pops. It can get expensive real quick.

Dallas CDJR offered a scat at sticker which I confirmed on the phone. Went to dealership and shook hands at sticker. Brought out contract to sign and they added $8k market adjustment that they tried to just add without mentioning it. I would never trust this dealership. If you do choose to do business with them, triple check the numbers at every stage of the deal (offer, contract, and financing contracts). Buyer beware with this dealer.

lol. My mind actually added the accent to this comment as I read it.