I mean the same as France, but not all people in tracksuits are delinquents. This post made me lol. It’s more of an energy than a dress sense!!

Also want to add that we waited there for ages before taking it to see if someone came back for it. But thank you for your ill informed opinion x

It’s a lime bike, anyone could have come and used the bike. It’s likely it belonged to a student as the area and what was written inside figured as much. Truly they should have written their number inside but it’s better it was left somewhere nearby than someone taking the bike and the book gets lost forever

Book found near linchon’s inn field in a lime bike

Posting here cos not sure what else to do. I found a notebook in the basket of a lime bike near linchons field park in Holborn today. There was no name inside, but it seemed like the manuscript for a novel.

If this is you or someone you know, dm me with what’s written inside on the first page (think it’s the name of the book) and I’ll tell you where I handed it in!

I’d be more concerned if you get found with a 10 year old stranger in your house. Tell him to come back with a parent and ID!

How the fuck did you draw that conclusion?

Messy cried whilst walking down a busy street eating jerk chicken meal box

I really do not think silksong is going to be at the NDS, explain to me why I’m wrong:scream-hornet:Silksong hype!

Honestly guys, let’s be realistic. It’s not going to be there. As far as I’m aware there have been no whisperings to suggest it will.

We’re really embarrassing ourselves at this point. But if you know anything, or any reason why everyone is once again gassed for this showcase, please spill the tea below.

I’m tired of all this.


you seem tired, you should rest.

Dunno if you’ve heard… but there’s a sequel in dev…

After a bath they would wrap me in my towel and shake me over the bath to get excess water off. It used to make me laugh my absolute head off! Always makes me smile

If you like couch co-op games, Blazing Beaks is a great rougelite. It’s insanely re-playable, fun, and has an interesting mechanic. The game is all about handicapping yourself by picking up artifacts, that you can later exchange for beneficial ones by giving them to the crow in the shop.

All the characters have different advantages but also come with their own in built handicaps. There are secret doors, locked doors and you can loop which is fun.

You can also play this solo, which I do often, but it’s most fun curled up on the sofa with a friend/partner!!

The motivation comes from a deeper part of your core when you seek enlightenment. Not a person or a partner, or a car, house or accolades - but from you

The post yes, but the conversation in this comment thread is about gyms, soo…

I’ve been a member on and off for 7 years and it is really the most brilliant gym. They also have DJs that do sets from 6/7pm in most (if not all) of their clubs. Highly recommend!!

There are a lot of weirdos on Reddit too, I guess people are rightly wary of sharing too much info online.

Also worth noting that I am a professional dancer, so maintenance of fitness is essential for my job.

In London, where I live, that is what two nights at the pub costs generally. As I stated in my previous post, I am in no way suggesting that it’s a feasible price for everyone… however I have had interactions with people in real life that could afford it, but judge me for spending that. It’s a necessary investment in my well-being. It’s okay that it’s not for everyone, my point is those that would spend the same cost on drinking (which many many people do) and criticise the cost of an expensive gym membership are a bit out of touch. and I know not everyone even has the luxury of it. But it works for me.

I have a membership in an upmarket London gym (the “cool” one, if anyone’s wondering). I pay £120 a month for a single club memebership. The classes they offer are insane, anything from standard fitness, to contortion, Ariel silks, acrobatics, MMA, boxing, you name it they offer it. For me it’s so worth the money. I actually want to be there, so I show up for myself.

The basic gym facilities are modern and full range. There’s a sauna in both the men’s and women’s changing room. They host great events and it’s not a posey gym at all.

Because I can afford it, it’s a worthwhile expense. All the people that find it crazy to spend that money on a gym, probably would spend that money in a weekend at the pub. When you look at it like that it’s a small expense that actually has a positive lifestyle impact, rather than drinking the money away!

I am in no way saying it’s a feasible price for everyone, but it works for me.

I had 5G signal pretty consistently for the whole festival last year

Love this! Thanks for your contribution to this community!

Is the career path I’ve chosen the right path for me? Will I find success in this endeavour?