Except it's not hypothetical. The Russian and Chinese Revolutions were very bloody. And most of the victims weren't even the ruling class, but ordinary people. I very much don't want to live in this capitalist hell-scape, but I also don't want a violent revolution where I'll be killed for trying to protect innocent people that the revolutionaries think need to die. Non-violent revolution, or no revolution.


You get that the Bolsheviks killed anyone who got in their way including other socialists, right?

... I don't remember giving you any labels. And as I said before, that's not what I said. I asked if other Russians counted as an ethnicity.

So you'd respond to genocide... With more genocide... That's pretty fucked man.

Yep, and they met each other after the war. And became friends.

If you had your way, would you have executed ALL the Nazis after the war ended?

Would you like to help me call out the blatant fascist rhetoric in this video? Go dig for my comment if you want. https://youtu.be/enisdXlVhzE?si=BkEJCCScsmDK-DPM

Cool. Thank you, I'll take that. I mean they ARE brainwashed but ... I promise that I'll continue ranting against the Zionist Fascist Israelis and being a privileged shield for protesters. And I'll be right by your side if or when we need to defend ourselves.

Our work here is done. 👍

What scares me is that you don't think murder is wrong no matter who the victim is.

Nah, when you say 'voluntary' you're not taking into account that these people have been brought up in a society that brainwashed them into fascism and where they're afraid of change. What if they don't want to change? Why would they want to be part of a working class that they think are out to get them and will destroy everything they've built? Their ignorance shouldn't be a death sentence. And rhetoric like yours only strengthens that. What we've seen so far for Communist states IS the USSR. If it's not Communist Fundamentalist to use mass murder, why is that massively the only thing we've seen. People were put to death just for owning land, even if they themselves we're poor as fuck.

I'll fuck off, if you can promise me that there will be a nonviolent revolution, where the only people who get hurt are the people who want to kill other people, and even then themselves aren't killed unless they're in the act of killing other people and nonlethal methods aren't available to stop them. But I don't think you can.

It would have be a revolution via the democratic process.

Started reading 'What Is To Be Done' by Lenin but the first part where he says that he's above any criticism was a bit off-putting.

Sure sounds like the Bolsheviks required the mass murder of the bourgeois. But I guess they 'deserved it' didn't they. Do other Russians count as a specific ethnicity?

I came here for this comment, thank you for the down votes everyone 👋

I read the communist manifesto in high school. Also understood the history behind the propaganda that was being fed to me by the United States. Lenin was a man that saw how bad things were and tried to make things better, but left a huge pile of bodies in his wake. Some shit is just morally grey, but we gotta learn from it people. We need a 'low chaos' revolution.