has a little truck icon below the add to cart button that says "This product is fulfilled by a PSA Partner and shipping times may vary."

This reply made a sell lol. thx

I would kiss you if I could. This worked. Thank you. That "dev" needs an ego check.

Also looking for help, this is about how mine turned out on the Kobra Go

"Misaligned favicons bother me way less than the Refresh changes" same. shows just how objectively bad the ui forced changes are with no option for "classic" view, even as bad as Microsoft is they still allow UI control

You are going to be overwhelmed and quit several times. But just keep finding new motivation. You will keep finding new kinds of problems you couldn't forsee but learn new skills by overcoming them. And yes there is more rust on it than you will ever know. I'd -personally- start by stripping it and getting it acid dipped and treated as much as you want to avoid it. But then patch all the metal, then prep and paint. Then do all the fun stuff.

Caused me single handedly to stop shopping there and stop using my best buy card

-ANOTHER- Best Buy is closing ? ? ?

Ah. The ol' we don't wanna fire you we want you to quit.

Could that anonymously be uploaded?

Same. They lost their minds. Which is saddening.

Why is corporate so inhuman!? Why has so much gone downhill so fast?? Congratulations!

Yes. They survived e-commerce only to fail tripping on their own feet.

No. but learning this now. There was not even an email about this. As an Elite Plus member it's been incredibly beneficial for years. I was wondering why my order last night switched from one day to suddenly a week. They are losing grip and need to switch back to previous CEO or someone human. Will stop using my Best Buy credit card immediately and switch back to my Amazon prime card unfortunately.

Sometimes things do line up just right!

Doing a very similar thing to mine and my car was named Frank after the monster for the same reason. :)