I think it's a bit slower, is that it?

Yeah, overall better experience than last season.

From the redeem code, they released it last week. Hopefully it's still available to claim.

Yeah exactly, most of the main characters like Ghost, Mace etc. got exclusive finishers, which only they can use.

Yeah, ONLY she can use it.

That's beautiful ❤️ What's the cost?

You can't unlock it, you need Valeria character to use it.

Some finishers are exclusive to the characters.


You still talking about last week's event? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Yeah definitely. Hopefully they make it better soon.

It means your custom loadout, which has to be built before the match to use it during the match. Okay 👍🏻?

Yeah got it.🔥

It was really close for me and the game was really bad during that time at launch 🥵 Remember playing on the burning hot phone.

Dude, it's basically because of the event, everyone are trying for it.

Play something else if you're just a casual player and can't sweat.


I got that same Arkham one along with this colour shifters Batmobile '89

This just comes up and crashes the game. 🙃

Map is not the issue here, it's the Game and it's Dev's.

I feel it's really buggy in mp and it's fine in br.

It feels different with the same loadout in both.