Why would someone downvote an honest question?

I went to the market and I bought a


Twice impeached,

One term

Ex President

Kid diddler

Now I’m just sad for the dumb bastard. This is gonna haunt him

It’s like if Robocop was POV and a bit more violent.

I don’t know why people don’t talk about it more. Hyper violent, over the top, and a novel film type. It was a fucking blast start to finish, and you won’t see anything else like it.

I like “oh sorry, I pegged you for a capitalist”Because capitalism 101 says you just need to pay them more.

This is absolutely horrible. I hope they find some peace someday. You seem very supportive and I’m sure that’s a big help to them both, thank you.

If you don’t want to go into it that’s ok, but was any type of justice served?

The purity test (which no one passes). Followed by falsely equating the two candidates failing the purity test. It’s a simple one-two they are using constantly.

After Roe I don’t know who anyone can make that argument, much less now

They meant pollution per capita.

I guess I assumed young people would be more against it than older people, like with most old horrible things. And young people, especially educated ones, are way more likely to move

Also who wants to have their son bled? Leeches is the least fucked up way to interpret that

It’s wild to me that it is often brought over when people leave India.

7th grade art no less.

Next draw a picture of how you do fractions and solve the problems in the Middle East

It is bewildering to people on the outside how Romani are treated. I’m American so all I see is the online hate, but holy shit I can almost guarantee that the racism will be defended in this very thread.

Based on what others said it cost it’s dry clean. Or on your wall

I’m not quite as extreme but close.

However I get no joy from any situation involving heights. At all.

This reminds me of people who even shy away from bonds. If those fail then hopefully you have a lot of ammunition and amoxycillin because that’s money now

I’m almost 40 so it’s not for me either. But my kids like him and talk about him