Take a break from the sub. Take a break from focusing your hair. Come back when you're ready.

Your shed hair ball is so cute loool ❀ thanks for sharing. I'll see if I can grab that spray at my local hair shops - thanks for the recommendation

Perfect - I'll do this first thing tomorrow. Thanks for the help πŸ™‚

Thank you for the feedback 😊 much love

My referral has been postponed 5 timesQuick Question

Realistically, what can I do if my appointment has been rescheduled 5 times. First appointment was set for January, now this latest update has me at November...I'm predicting it will be rescheduled again into 2025.

What can I do? I feel like my condition is getting worse.



Also, thank you for the response/picture ❀

Would you say that your crown sheds a whole lot, or does it shed similar to other regions of the scalp?

I would have been under the impression that was more in the 4a-3c. The Curl type labelling confuses me everyday lol. At this point all I know is that I'm 5c 🀣

Its gorgeous 😍 you're radiating sunshine

For better absorption of vitamin d3 I think it has to be paired with vitamin K2. You could also eat sardines to get the vitamin d and calcium naturally 🀞🏿


Thank you for explaining all this, I had no idea this all went on lol

Its so strange that I'm just learning all this. Thank you very much!

Why would someone buy chicken periods? Lol

Omg are you serious?

I just had two delicious boiled eggs lol

Get rid of that belt and get a nice thick leather belt

Do some sit ups to work on the belly area

Do animals get periods?

I've never heard anyone talk about this. We hear about male dogs getting neutered, but I don't hear about specific maintenance for female animals.

Do dogs or cats get periods? πŸ€”

No she didn't; another staff member handled her nails. He was more patient and gentle - my mum loved her entire service πŸ˜„ no blood for her whatsoever