Japan playing both sides so he'll always come out on top. High IQ move

Her secondaries dpm in wows, combined with the pens are like acid rains that melts everything around her, it's unreal.

Italian Serie A club SSC Napoli is named as "Parthenope" in the game

Yeah, I only realized it now as well. I thought they only renamed it so because FM don't have the naming license for Sc Napoli , so they just used her nickname "Partenopei". Salento and others had similar problem.

Boston heard outside the room: "Did someone say THRoWING tEA?!"

Low literacy and inexistent impulse control, nuff said.

Judol dan pinjol merajalela juga ada alasannya kan.

Justifikasi mereka kayak helicopter parent yg akhirnya bakalan menghasilkan anak yg dewasanya mudah menyimpang:

Kontrol diri nol besar, gak bisa membedakan mana yg salah dan benar , makanya mesti diawasin dan dilarang terus-menerus.

Same. As they said: Ignorance is bliss.

Always have low expectation on your teammates so when you get surprised it'll mostly be a pleasant surprise. Afterall it's just a game.

Makes me wonder, what would you do if somehow you turned into (or reincarnated into if it becomes an isekai), say, Taihou, Ark Royal or Baltimore. What would you do? I want to touch two big things with my own hands but after that idk.

More like Picardie and Florida

"I got turned into a waifu that I simped myself from my favorite gacha game"

Sounds like a manga title lol

A big issue IMO is that the firing range of some of these tier 5-7 cruisers in today's meta is simply unviable (any BB Players with half a brain can reliably aim at a target 13-14 km away, whether it accurately hits or not is another story). Lots of them are also thinly armored treaty cruisers.

Close range cruisers are almost suicidal to play and requires alot of luck and skill to handle, which discourage alot of average Players. I still play alot of mid tier cruisers today just for the challenge.

But it's mostly kiting cruisers that have long range because of that general BB players' accuracy improvement.

And its doctrines and prophecies are written in Lisan Al-Qohol

Bisko in black armor is just perfect

No, they don't just copy Japenis, they crank it up to eleven.

Yah, harusnya begitu tapi Jabar itu entah kenapa "beda" menurut pengalaman gw. Gw belum pernah tinggal di Aceh ato Sumbar sih, jadi gak tau seberapa unhinged mereka dibanding Jabar. Di daerah lain gw tinggal dulu rata2 masih lumayan terbuka pemikirannya (or at the very least they don't blatantly show their displeasure on somebody different than mayo).

Salah satu mantan gw juga mino dari Jabar dan pernah sekolah di sekolah negeri daerah Jabar. Poor girl. Cerita pembullyannya lumayan byk juga.

This is the same mentality that LED to multiple awful dictatorships and/or anarchy in many countries.

USA and The West should stop doing this. I really despise what they've done to my country and probably many other dudes in various countries think the same.

huh, SoDak was actually pretty dense for such a stubby Battleship. Her weight's on par with other larger Battleships while being only a bit slower.

Sesama mino, sad. But I really sympatize with him.

Jawa Barat ya. Gak heran sih. Sejak gw tinggal disini pandangan gw sama penganut kepercayaan mayo jadi (maaf) makin negatif.

Banyak orang sini itu menurut gw entah kenapa jadi risih bgt begitu tau kalo elo bukan mayo, kadang pasif agresif dan pandangan mereka kadang negatif bgt sama agama mino, banyak knowledge aneh dan menyimpang yg ngediskereditkan ajaran mino juga. entah darimana mereka dikasih tahu yg begitu.

Idgaf tho, I'm just here for the money.

tapi ya itu, risih juga lama2. Gw juga udah banyak tinggal didaerah lain baik yg mayoritas penganut Kris, mayo dan Kato, rata2 gw senang2 aja tinggal disitu kecuali di Jabar.

That ..., kinda sounds like grooming with extra steps.