Wise words. Thanks brother. Send me your music if you don’t mind.

Did you review this one, or the one that I released in March? (Lion In My Backyard)

Either way, cool! The one posted here (No Idea) still needs some editing, vocals re-recorded, and mixed/mastered.

I would be interested in what mocking up you were thinking. I planned on taking a professional picture with a backdrop like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/1E7PGUQ1jnqUqPP48

Album art is not my forte though. Thanks man!

Edit- Found it! Was my other release. Can’t wait to hear the episode when i get some time tonight! I had no idea!

Wow thanks, I dig it!

I will eventually take a better quality photo and I may use that magazine font. That’s pretty cool. Thanks!

Thanks that’s so nice of you to say. Will check out your music as well :)

Haha i have heard of his guitars as i play a jazzmaster and have seen them mentioned a lot. Never looked into what they are or who he is though. Will be checking out Dinosaur Jr later today!

Thanks man. I’ve never heard any of j mascis’ music. Gonna check em out!

Wish I could help. Here’s a song I’m working on that might steer you in the right direction:


I found your album. Not my genre, but really good! Sounds professionally made. I can see why others were impressed.

I was into making music as a teen. That was a long time ago. I know a lot of people now that don’t know that part of my past. And those that knew it figure that I haven’t dabbled in nearly 2 decades.

Thanks! Yes, those are just some practice vocals - will definitely clean them up. Appreciate your help.

Thanks for the feedback! Regarding the dissonance, are you referring to the intro part at the very, very beginning? (Bending of notes)

As for keeping on time, are you referring to the vocals, the instruments, or both?

Right on man - DM me your music if you want. I’d love to take a listen.

I definitely wouldn’t outright share it with students. But they’ll definitely find it. I’ve been at the same school a long time. I know a lot of parents who will hear of it and show their kids—students past and present. At a point, probably early on, I’d have to acknowledge it when asked about it.

I don’t know ever plan on releasing anything questionable or inappropriate, so that won’t be an issue.

I wasn’t planning on showing my students, I’m just assuming they’ll find out eventually unless I make it a point to never get doxxed. Which would mean I wouldn’t be able to share it with anyone other than maybe close friends and family—which is a little disappointing to me.

But I don’t want to come off as a weirdo teacher. I have a fairly eccentric personality that I usually embrace within my job, but I’m worried this might be a tad too zany…

That’s what I may do. I would prefer to just embrace it and not care what others think though. I’m just a little reluctant and have over listening to the song so much I can’t tell if it’s good or not. It is unmixed currently though.

Please be brutally honest - is it gonna be cringey if I release this?Indie Rock

Hi everyone. I am a teacher in my mid-30s who is in the midst of releasing music for the first time in my life. Here is an unmixed demo and a very rough album art concept.

If I release this once it’s done, what do you think the general consensus will be? I will be going from having virtually no one in my life knowing make music, to everyone knowing. My family, friends, coworkers, students at my school, their parents, and hundreds of previous students. My whole community.

I’m worried that this might be a cringey move for someone my age who is a teacher within the community. Honestly, I’m just having fun fulfilling a dream of mine to write and record my own music. I’m not trying to become some famous artist, but I’m worried some people will take it that way. Or just think it’s cringey.

This is supposed to be a fun song with tongue-in-cheek lyrics. The vibe is indie/alt rock with psyche/surf undertones.

Should I embrace it and finish/release it publicly, or keep it private as to not look immature or foolish?


UPDATE: Thank you everyone, I resolved the problem!

I didn’t realize how tiny of an allen key was needed to adjust the action. I went out to the garage and found one that was ultra tiny. A few clockwise rotations and it’s playing properly now. I’m stoked. Thanks!!

Also this song I think would be right up your alley. Psychedelic/surfy/vibey indie rock with some early 2000s undertones.


His name is Simba. He likes to watch animals in the backyard and pretend he’s a lion.