"I've been playing daily for 4 hours a day"

For some people, those are rookie numbers.

Teilnehmer [1]


Ich würde einmal einladen, um sich auszusprechen und für zukünftige Kontaktpausen wenigstens irgendwas als Begründung einzufordern.

Das sollte nach einer so langen Fr3eundschaft eigentlich selbstverständlich sein.

There is a german movie about a band called Fraktus, who were very successful in the early eighties and try to reunite to record a new album.

This is as fake as Spinal Tap and many musicians are doing interview statements like "They were our idols".

I don't know how well they are translated if there is a translation available at all.

There is an interpretation where she isn't dead in the end. But it's still sad.

For a rewatch of the infinity saga, you can just put on the movies chronologically.

For the Multiverse Saga, you can currently toss the ten rings, Eternals, black panther 2, but you need to include WandaVision and Loki 1.

And that's the problem with the MCU currently: essential(!) story parts are spread into their series. Instead of them being an optional add-on, they are now important for several character arcs that lead to the character's actions in the movies.

The prologue with the rings lore of course.

Since I've got some games on other launchers, too, I start my games from playnite.link
There I have a 'current' filter for games I play currently or soon™.

And I have a 'have played it' and a 'to be played' list (realised by tagsin playnite).

So games move into these lists and out.
And if I don't know what to play next, playnite has a 'random game' button.

Level 1

"... da die Leute die von ihnen skandierten Probleme eigentlich überhaupt nicht haben."

Da sehe ich den einzigen Hebel, an dem man argumentativ ansetzen könnte. Alle anderen Quellen werden wahrscheinlich eh als "Propaganda" ignoriert.

Ansonsten hätte ich schlicht keinen Bock, meine Zeit mit Rechsextremen zu verbringen und würde denen empfehlen, sich auch mal außerhalb ihrer Bubble Informationen zum oft zitieren "selber denken" zu holen und mich verabschieden, bis die von ihrem Selbstausgrenzungstrip wieder zurückkommen.



Level 1

Wenn man mir nicht extra dazu sagt, daß man das nicht weitersagen darf, dann halte ich mich auch daran.


The only scenes done this way I can think of are in Basic Instinct. They are not merely sex scenes, they are domination battles.

The way the Joker or John Wick kill a person with a pencil is indeed irrelevant for the plot - the victim is simply dead afterwards - but it shows what kind of people they are. It's needed for the characterization of the murderer.

Also the way people die can be essential for the plot - like in the SAW movies.

Also their deaths can show what exact circumstances happen when someone dies - for example in a zombie outbreak or a bioweapon attack scenario.

Not all violence scenes are neccessary and not all sex scenes are necessary.

That being said - sex is mainly fun when participating. If viewed as a bystander, it tends to be just "the same old in & out game".

When Mrs. Palmer has a short vision about the woods, and the pilot ends there, you have the correct version.

If she has a longer vision, walking through the house calling Laura's name, and there is still significantly runtime, you have the wrong (spoiling) version).

Do we single out sex?

There are tons of movie reviews on the internet, there are theories and fanedits which omit parts of the movie to change the overall experience (for example, there is an edit of the Hobbit trilogy that almost only centers around the dwarfs - no Dol Guldur Wizards Side mission, no Elf-Dwarf love, almost no Azog and no Legolas.

What I mean: there are plenty of points people criticise about movies -bad CGI, plot holes, dumb character choices, bad acting, ridiculous (in a bad way) humor ... and also unnecessary sex scenes.

Sex scene critique is just ONE of many things that's talked about when reviewing movies.

There are different types of movies, so there are different needs of a sex scene in movies.

In Basic Instinct, Nymphomaniac or A Serbian Film, the sex scenes are integral to the movie.

In Prometheus, the knowledge that they had sex is enough, they don't need to show it (and they don't).

For the same reason that we are not shown the complete baking time of cookies in an oven, we don't need to have the visual recap of the sexual act. In most cases it's enough to show the end result /just talk about it.

Sometimes, omitting a sex scene makes the movie better. Often in cases where the sex scene was integrated only to complete the checklist.

Teilnehmer [1]


"Nein, darauf hab ich jetzt keinen Bock. Will ich mich damit jetzt nicht auseinander setzen."

Uuund Hausarzt wechseln.

Level 1

"Fremde", "naiv", "Pappschachtel" ... wtf? Was sind das für Leute ..? Obwohl: Ich will's gar nicht wissen ...

Never say "du" to the Police or other representers of the law like judges.

Apart from that, it's usual to call everyone you meet in a professional context "Sie" by default.

If someone says "I'm <FIRSTname>.", this is an invitation to use "du".

For people of your age that you meet, "du" can usually be used without consequences.

(Grand)Parents of other people you meet privately are usually called "Sie" by default.

"Neo would be freed from the Matrix, but still able to be monitored using the bug"

The bug is only inside the matrix. Once Neo logs out, he'd have gotten rid of it.

If you ask a question that's answerable with no or yes, and define head and tails accordingly, the coin will get you a right answer in 50% of the coinflips (statistically)

Teilnehmer [1]

Die Frage ist: "Bin Ich Das Arschloch ...?"
Die Antwort "(Nein, du bist) Nicht Das Arschloch." beinhaltet keine Aussage über andere Personen außer dem/der Fragestellenden.