Currently on a train and the dots are not appearing. Anyone know if this works on the NYC subway or DC metro? I’ve used in my car before, so I know it should work

I'm also having this issue. I'm on the iOS 18 beta however, so it could be an issue there. /u/ImVinnie are you also on the beta?

/u/det0ur When I hit submit, it takes about 10-20 seconds to give me an incorrect username/password error. I changed my password incase my password manager had an out of date password, but that doesn't seem to be the case

Because AEW already struggles to get people consistently on their TV shows and airing this footage doesn't serve any storyline purposes. They could very easily just send the footage to TMZ and that would be more than enough. Instead they're using valuable television time to show something that doesn't fit into the show.

It's great if it shows the truth, but there's other ways to do it rather than taking time out of their own program that could be going towards building to their PPV

5 Saved finishers being used all at once

haven't had any issues at the one in Arlington. would recommend if you're able to get there

Was about to create a post about liking songs not working. Is this the same issue?

What happens with the draft if there’s more than 8 people in the league? Right now we have 9. Would we only get one player each?

They sent an email about a month to two ago stating they were shutting it down

I believe this is what you're looking for

Create a smart playlist of songs with the following smart rules

  1. Album -> Like Status IS Loved
  2. Song -> Is Explicit IS FALSE
Any way to open directly in Apple Music as opposed to going through the library first?

When clicking on an artist, I’d rather be brought to the artists Apple Music page as opposed to just seeing what’s in my library. Is there a way to do this without going to the bottom and clicking view in Apple Music?

It's really important to me that new releases show up fast. On Apple Music, as soon as it hits midnight, the song/album is there and ready to play. Is it the same for Marvis?

As /u/AnalogWalrus mentioned, Marvis is just a front end for Apple Music so new releases will appear at the same time as it appears on AM.

When it comes to scrobbling for, how reliable is it? Recently tried Tidal for the built-in scrobbler but unfortunately it's a mess that needed reconnecting everyday. Will it be a one time action on Marvis or does it require constant attention?

Honestly, it's more reliable than using Apple Music itself, and it scribbles everything, not just songs in your library.

I mostly listen to albums in full, rarely playlists. Been wanting an app that can display my albums so they're all easy to see. Too often on the default Apple Music app I forget about older albums because I have it on Recently Played. The icons on there are way too big too, takes lots of scrolling to find something. Will I be able to find a more album-centered experience on Marvis?

I listen to music the same way, and yeah, because Marvis is incredibly customizable, you can make it far more album focused if you wish.

Love this update! Persistent search bar was much needed and greatly appreciated! I also love the global scribble count on the player. Is it possible to add those numbers to song selection as well?

they really just need to send a push notification every Friday that says something simple like "Check your new releases now!"

  1. You more or less nailed it. "Love" is more just saying I like this individual song and affects recommendations, while Add to Library will add the song or album to your Library for easy access. In all honesty, Add to Library seems to have more of an impact on recommendations, however, I use both features.
  2. They're currently working on Apple Music for Windows, which may be in beta? I don't follow it too much because I'm a Mac user, but other than iTunes I don't believe there's anything else at the moment.
  3. I used SongShift. Playlisty is said to be very good as well.
  4. You can transfer your recommendation playlists, but know that if you're not actively listening on Spotify, then your Spotify recs won't be as up to date. Apple Music has recommendation playlists, but they aren't as strong as Spotify's.
  5. If you're really set on moving to AM, I would recommend taking a look at Marvis Pro as a front end player on iOS. /r/marvispro has a lot of great info on how to use it.

You can only listen on one device and the device that you're listening to it on controls it. As an example, if I'm listening to Dancing Queen on my Mac, I can only play/pause/volume control/etc from my Mac for that song. My phone will not recognize that any song is playing on another device until I try playing a song on my phone. If I try playing a song on my phone, Dancing Queen would stop playing on my Mac and whatever song I started on my phone would play.

TL;DR: No connect function. I mostly just play music off my phone and then AirPlay it to whatever I'm listening on. Its a bit of a bummer, but works for me

I haven't played the game yet, but from videos I've seen it still seems to be Sunday only. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here