Pretty sure the comparison has been successfully made but okay OP

Why haven't I blocked this sub yet

I'm in jail because I don't know what I have a duty free of the Republic Navy and its a very good and a steel vehicle with the highest standard rounds Fortnite and the south of England...

I have no clue why fortnite is in there... not that any of it made sense


Government trying to find our preferences so they can make more attractive drones to spy on us, I won't fall for it again!

I usually get at least 10k steps a day so that's 10k a day without a change in routine.

Great customer service on the Baratie...

Do you want me to come over there and help you, because it looks like you need a hand

If by games you mean video games that's a turn on.

If by games you mean mind games then yeah that's definitely a turn off.

If by games you mean video games that's a turn on.

If by games you mean mind games then yeah that's definitely a turn off.

Gonna close this because I don't want to cause negativity to people. (When I figure out how)

I can't remember if the game was age restricted. Isn't it 18?