Hmm... What was the name of the texture pack... Something like R3DCraft, I guess... I don't recall the name of the texture pack that it reminds me

Лига Геймеров

Окей, мне надо больше спать, потому что это заставляет меня забыть про телефон

I'm a pirate

I live in Russia. It's scarier than Putin knocking at my door...

Лига Геймеров

Я прошёл дум 2016 на геймпаде на пс4... Ну, что сказать, не совсем удобно прицельно стрелять по демонам, но перемещение удобнее, чем на клавомыши

Linux Mint Debian Edition 6 Faye | Cinnamon

It's not a time (yet) to delete Windows while you only 4 days in Linux. What if you'll need some software that can't be ran by Wine and has no FOSS analogs?

But don't I should sleep with my dreams and then, when I feel so, wake up and chase them?

А точно ли дело в ракетах? А точно ли дело в зенитном комплексе? А что, если... Люди... Да не, бред какой-то)

Strange enough but that's correct...

I'm just interested, what version of Windows are you using now?)

Compatibility mode is never worked for me. If game works, it works natively. If it's not, compatibility mode never helped me

А если вежливо скинуть нюдсы кому-то против их воли, это как расценивается?

Linux Mint Debian Edition 6 Faye | Cinnamon

For me it's strange feeling that Linux is not mainstream OS like Windows and everything is not made for general public. Even though it works great, looks great, but sometimes feels bad, for me at least.

Nah, I live in small town in Russia. I think the house in a picture about 70-60 years old so it's not so old by local metrics 😄

Лига Геймеров

Я так на работе делаю

look around the town I live in

Not so old actually

Somehow it made me feel the way I felt when I was a kid and saw American movies from 80-90s on local TV where someone played something on a console or something like that. The feeling of awesomeness and coolness from a thing I see.

What's creepy in this cute four-eyed cat? :)

The president of my country it is

If I left a game for some time, I could go back to it in a day or in a month, but often it's more time... I started to play GTA5 in 2019 and completed the main story in 2023...

Pause and come back... in a week?! Not even month?! I'm not real gamer 😁

I'm a pirate

Why should I? My PC is too bad to play it, and I'm a player, not seeder